
Wednesday’s WOD comes from  It is a twist on the classic triplet Cindy.  Cindy is a 20 minute AMRAP of 5 Pullups, try 10 Pushups and 15 Squats.  When I started CrossFit in 2006, I followed the main site, or what we called .Com.  There were no other programs to follow.  There was 1 other guy I was doing CrossFit with in our NYC office.  “Hey, did you do the .Com WOD yet?”  My buddy Jonathan went to CrossFit Brand X in Ramona, CA before moving to NYC for 2 years, so he had more experience.  I watched him throw down a 2:51 Fran and 28 plus rounds of Cindy and 14 rounds of Mary in 2007.  He was the first guy that I talked to that broke down WODs with a strategy. I did 18 plus rounds of Cindy in the office, and when I was done, he...
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5 Whiteboard Misconceptions from Tabata Times.  I’ve been doing CrossFit for so long that I’ve experienced many of the things that come up, remedy and I if I haven’t, Alison, CFO’s coaches or someone you know probably has.  Of the 5 things mentioned, I think I’ve seen them all (not 2 so much, but maybe a little). When I read an article like this, it reminds of a quote by Level 1 trainer Pat Sherwood: “The goal is to get fit, make it the best hour of your day, stay safe, turn up the music, high five some people, and blow off some steam.  So remember that.  Relax.  Have fun.  Workout.” Workout of the Day Strength Shoulder Press, 3 set of 8, 70% of 1RM Take 7-10 minutes to warm up for this lift.  Use sets of 5 early (maybe just the bar), then use 3s to warm up to...
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This  is week 9 of the Cube – the final week of the progression.  We will Deadlift (1 set of 8, visit web 80%) on Monday, Press ( 3 sets of 8, 70%) on Tuesday and Squat (5 sets of 2, 90%) on Friday. We will test these lifts for max lift next week – Deadlift on Monday, Press on Wednesday and Squat on Friday. Wednesday this week is a WOD – Cindy XXX.  Lots of pull-ups, pushups and squats.  Hydrate well, mobilize and let ‘er rip.  ARTE ET LABORE. On Tuesday next week, February 4th, at 7:30pm, I will hold a “mobility clinic.”  I am not Kelly Starrett, or a kinesiologist, or a therapist.  But I do get very sore, injured and am kind of wimpy.  I have a ton of experience working out the kinks.  Think of this as “foam rolling 101.”  I explain how I foam...
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Saturday’s WOD is a classic triplet.  It’s no joke and is one of Alison’s favorites – she asked for it.  Alison and I did this at CrossFit King of Prussia in Philly in 2010.  She battled and got it done in terrible heat and humidity…in 45 minutes.  I love this woman. There are box jumps – as always, physician step ups are allowed.  Personally I will be jumping up and stepping down.  Because I suck at it. Workout of the Day 5 RFT 40 Doubleunders 30 Box Jumps 24/20 20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 30 minute cap As 9am ends and 10am begins, nurse we will do an OTM of Burpees and Chest to Bar Pullups.  More burpees, C2B and Box Jumps.  Open, people.
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The Subway Deception.  Lots of chest beating here, store but we should be aware of the addicitves in food, dosage even the “healthy” alternatives. Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat, 1 set of 8, 80% of 1RM Take 10-15 minutes to warm up for this lift.  Use sets of 5 early and 3s as the weight gets heavy.  Only make 1 big attempt at your set of 8.  What’s you 8RM??? Let’s ring that bell! Conditioning  AMRAP 7 1 Wall Climb 1 Front Squat 165/105 1 Wall Climb 2 Front Squat 165/105 1 Wall Climb 3 Front Squat 165/105 1 Wall Climb 4 Front Squat 165/105 1 Wall Climb 5 Front Squat 165/105… Keep FS going up by 1 until the 7 minutes is up
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