Training/Events in the next 2 weeks

This  is week 9 of the Cube – the final week of the progression.  We will Deadlift (1 set of 8, visit web 80%) on Monday, Press ( 3 sets of 8, 70%) on Tuesday and Squat (5 sets of 2, 90%) on Friday.
We will test these lifts for max lift next week – Deadlift on Monday, Press on Wednesday and Squat on Friday.
Wednesday this week is a WOD – Cindy XXX.  Lots of pull-ups, pushups and squats.  Hydrate well, mobilize and let ‘er rip.  ARTE ET LABORE.
On Tuesday next week, February 4th, at 7:30pm, I will hold a “mobility clinic.”  I am not Kelly Starrett, or a kinesiologist, or a therapist.  But I do get very sore, injured and am kind of wimpy.  I have a ton of experience working out the kinks.  Think of this as “foam rolling 101.”  I explain how I foam roll to warm up and recover.  We’ll talk about bands, balls stick and my favorites – ice and epsom salt.

A Wall of Climbers
A Wall of Climbers

Workout of the Day
1 set of 8, 80% of 1RM
Take 10-15 minutes to warm up to this heavy set of 8.  Use 5s early, then 3s, even 2s to get there.
10 Cleans 135/95
30 Doubleunders