After 9 weeks following the Cube, approved this is our test week. We will test our 1RM Deadlift on Monday, pharm Press on Wednesday and Squat on Friday. Get fired up and make some PRs and ring that bell!!! If you miss a day, information pills but still want to test, let a coach know. It will not be a problem to make up a lift off to the side. I am not going to lie, I am concerned about 1RMs on the deadlift. I have personally locked up my back twice in the short period after setting Deadlift PRs. There will be less barbell work than normal this week for this reason. If you set a Deadlift PR, especially a big one, be very cautious with your lifts for the next 7 to 10 days. Warm up well, foam roll, use epsom salt, get to your massage spe#t of...
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