
Remember to register for the CrossFit Games Open!  If you’re interested in judging, cure to just learning about good movement, no rx check out the CrossFit Online Judges Course.  Yes, it’s $10, but it’s worth your time. Don’t forget, Foam Rolling 101 with Brian is at 7:30pm Tuesday night. We are excited to have Open gym going again on Sundays.  We are looking at opening the gym during the weekdays at set times.  We encourage you to use this time, but here’s some food for thought. First, Open gym should be a time when you can hammer weakness and and work hard in a less structured environment.  That doesn’t mean it’s your chance to throw caution to the wind and do the wildest WOD some Canadian sadist from CompWOD could dream up.  For the record, I  love those psychos.  It’s not your chance to finally do 3 Hero WODs back...
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After 9 weeks following the Cube, approved this is our test week.  We will test our 1RM Deadlift on Monday, pharm Press on Wednesday and Squat on Friday.  Get fired up and make some PRs and ring that bell!!! If you miss a day, information pills but still want to test, let a coach know.  It will not be a problem to make up a lift off to the side. I am not going to lie, I am concerned about 1RMs on the deadlift.  I have personally locked up my back twice in the short period after setting Deadlift PRs.  There will be less barbell work than normal this week for this reason.  If you set a Deadlift PR, especially a big one, be very cautious with your lifts for the next 7 to 10 days.  Warm up well, foam roll, use epsom salt, get to your massage spe#t of...
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9am CHALLENGE WOD 15 Minutes: 5 Minutes to work up to your heaviest Hang Clean Double Then AMRAP 10 10 Pushups 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 20 Air Squats   10am Muscle  Up Clinic 15 minutes 40 Deadlifts 155#/100# 30 Front Squats 20 Shoulder to Overhead 10 Thrusters At the beginning of each round do 7 Muscle Ups and 50 Double Unders
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Sugar Versus Fat.  This is super interesting and I hope I can catch the BBC production.  They’re testing stuff we’ve been testing in CrossFit for years.  We have the Paleo Versus Zone Challenge starting next week, illness and it’s always good to check our nutrition. BUT…even reading this article, medicine the “test subjects” experience negative and positive changes.  As CrossFitters, more about in our response to clean up our diets and kick our carb addiction, it sometimes feels like we’ve gone overboard, even demonizing carbohydrates.  It’s all about balance.  Just reading the article, both twins experienced performance ups and down during their test.  Exercise, brain activity and more suffered, at least anecdotally. Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat 5 sets of 2, 90% of 1RM Conditioning AMRAP 7 3 Shoulder to Overhead (S2O) 115/75 3 Wallball Shots 20/14 6 S2O 6 Wallball Shots 9 S2O 9 Wallball Shots… Keep...
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Congratulations to Gina for her first Pullup! Denny was her pull-up whisperer. If you are close ask a coach to watch you. You never know what someone will say to get you up and over the bar. She even had them going in “Cindy XXX”. Video will be posted on Facebook soon. Jaydeen     Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Clean Double Take 15 minutes to build up to a heavy Touch and Go Clean double. Conditioning For time 20 Cleans 225/135 30 Pistols (alternating) 40 Burpees to 6″ touch target Scale the clean weight accordingly, dosage but it should be heavy – 80% to 85% of 1RM.  
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