
It’s President’s Day – there will be no 5:30am class. I have some tough conditioning WODs planned for this week.  Wednesday is a great one – maybe not as Open prep, health but it’s gnarly – by Alison’s request: Jonesworthy. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Squat Clean and Jerk 1 OTM for 7 minutes This should be heavy – 70% to 80% of 1RM.  You can thruster from the squat position. Conditioning 5 RFT 5 Squat Clean and Jerks 135/85 10 Chest to Bar Pullups 12 minute cap
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Open Prep WOD on Saturday.  At 10am, recipe we’ll have some more surprises lined up.  I heard a rumor there is soccer at TL Davis tomorrow – so beware crazy, parking soccer moms.  And dads. Workout of the Day AMRAP 12 12 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 12 Toes to Bar 40 Doubleunders
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 Last night we had three takers for the first Intro to Functional Movement. We worked on the air squat as well as back and overhead squats. All work was done with a dowel. If you are a new member or are just looking for a bit more insight into the movements then these 30 minutes sessions are for you. They will be every Thursday from 6:30pm to 7pm. If you want to work out at 5:30pm then you can stay after and you will already be warmed up. New members that sign up will have to take the 4 classes within a 3 month period. The sooner you learn correct form, page  positioning and technique, the sooner you will be on your way. Workout of the Day Death By… Bar Facing Burpees Deadlift 185/135 Do 1 Bar Facing Burpee and 1 Deadlift in the first minute, then 2 Bar Facing Burpees...
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The Feminist Origins of “Eight Cups a Day.” from  [youtube] Jalapeño poppers from the picture the other night. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Thruster 4 reps OTM for 10 Pick a challenging weight, cost but manageable.  Recommended greater than Fran weight, 115/75 and up if you can do Fran as RX. Conditioning 5 rounds, for reps 40 seconds of Wall Ball Shots 20/14 20 seconds rest/transition 40 seconds of Chest to Bar Pullups 20 seconds rest/transition
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I’m currently taking part in the Paleo versus Zone challenge.  I’m on the Zone.  The main purpose of starting this challenge for me was to get dialed in for the Open.  I started using the Zone 3 weeks ago and I have seen good results. I have feel great so I was excited to really lock it up during the challenge. As always, information pills life throws curveballs.  Between family visits and work functions, dosage I did A LOT of restaurant eating for 5 days or so.  It is possible to stay Paleo or Zone eating at a restaurant, what is ed but it requires some planning, being picky and likely some will power.  I have no problem taking my nutrition off the rails now and again, but I prefer to pick my spots.  For me, eating at a restaurant more than once or twice a week results in going...
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