
Just a reminder that you can do 14.5 on Saturday at 10 am or Sunday from 1-3pm. Party from 3pm on so bring some drinks and anything else you would like to share. Life will be back to normal starting Monday evening and then we will work on some ideas for summer fun!
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Thrusters and burpees…who knew….ummm… EVERYBODY. Workouts will be done all day Friday, sildenafil Saturday at 10am and Sunday from 1-3pm (with the party to follow). If you want to make it up Monday at 5:30am we can get that done too. Let us know if you need to make it up after Sunday. Just a heads up – you must jump over the bar with 2 feet on the bar facing burpee. Also, # order your time will not stop until the last jump is made. [youtube] 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Thrusters 95/65 Burpees (Bar Facing)
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On Sunday May 30, cheap  we will be finishing off the Open CFO -style: with the final WOD and a party. We will be doing…thrusters and burpees? between 1 and 3pm.  We will provide pulled pork and coleslaw and some tasty treats for dessert after. Please feel free to bring your favorite drinks and anything else you might like to share. I think we all deserve a little partying after the past five weeks! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch-Snatch Balance-Overhead Squat Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy set of this complex. This complex requires placing the bar on you shoulders from over head. Be careful lowering the weight down. Conditioning AMRAP 7 3/2 Wall Climbs 3 Snatch 135/85 3/2 Wall Climbs 6 Snatch 3/2 Wall Climbs 9 Snatch 3/2 Wall Climb 12 Snatch… Keep the Snatch going up by 3s, keep the Wall Climbs at 3 each...
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4 Essential Workout Tips for Tall Athletes from I have been accused of being prejudiced against tall people many times. Programming loads of pullups, order thrusters and muscle ups has always been a ploy to make tall folks look bad. Tall people, or tall-ies as I like to call them, have too many advantages in life. I have always felt it was my responsibility being on the short side of 5’7″ (on a good day) to bring you lanky folks down a peg or two. But enjoy the exercise tips anyway. Workout of the Day Strength Pullup/Muscleup Practice OTM for 5 minutes. Do 3-5 Pullups OTM, or 2-3 MU OTM. Pullups can be deadhang, chest to bar or kipping. Or just body pulls. Conditioning 7 RFT 30 Doubleunders 20 Walking Lunge Steps 10 Pullups 15 minute cap
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14.4 is in the books! Great job to all whole completed the first CrossFit Games Open Chipper! Up until this year, look the Open had become fairly predictable – light to moderate weight, adiposity a bunch of reps, all wrapped up in a pain inducing AMRAP. 14.1 fell in line with that type of test, but the last 3 WODs have been creative, interesting, and dare I say, fun. The margin for error to make it to the next level, be it Regionals or the Master’s testing weekend, is ZERO. Leave one rep on the floor, and 500 hungry dudes or dudettes will blow past you. We have some great performances in 14.4. Louis and Denny both hammered out some Muscleups late to put up great scores on 14.4. I got to watch Danelle, a 5:30am freaking WARRIOR, get her 60 calls done and stay in the hunt. It’s her...
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