
I was overcome by emotion following the final event of this years CrossFit Games Regionals.  Usually this happens after I get home and have some time to think about what took place – when I was strong, # 40mg when was I weak, who helped me through the tough times and how it went down.  Standing there, surrounded by friends that understand the sacrifice, the pain in the joy that comes from pure effort, I just kind of lost it.  I got to share some beautiful hugs with some beautiful people.  If I got to hug you, you know how I felt.  If I didn’t, but if you came to San Jose, watched on the live stream, saw a picture and thought it was cool, sent me a text or a message, or even sent a positive thought my way, I wish I could have shared a sweaty, teary hug...
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What a terrific weekend!  Jen and Nick qualified for the CrossFit Games!  I had a great time and I can’t begin to explain the emotions and thanks I feel.  Yet… Strength this week: Back Squat Monday, cost Deadlift Wednesday, # 100mg Press Friday Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat 3 sets of 8, 65% of 1RM Conditioning 50 Wallball Shots 20/14 50 Pullups 50 Wallball Shots 20/14
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We are here in San Jose where the excitement level is rising. Check in went well- found out kids under the age of 12 are free. Our tent city is still up in the air, stomach so please stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter feed as to where to go. Jen and Nick’s team to at 9:40am and Brian is at 11:45am. If you can’t make it, please watch at Any questions- text Alison at 209-345-4380. 
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Space Mountain Regionals T-shirts are IN! If you didn’t preorder, approved there may be extra ones that say Regionals, # 40mg if not there are DEFINITELY regular Space Mountain Shirts that just say CrossFit Oakdale on the back.$24 for men’s t’s and $22 for the tanks. If you want me to leave your shirts at the gym I will, or I will take them to San Jose- Let me know. No classes Friday or Saturday. Regular Schedule on Thursday – No Kids classes. Kids and Teens move to morning session next week. Kids from 10:30am-11am and Teens from 11am-11:45am. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Hang Squat Snatch Take 10 minutes to warm up to a heavy weight. Perform 5 Heavy Snatches – 1 every 90 seconds.  If the weight feels good and snappy you may build through this. Once the 5 reps are complete drop the weight and perform 1 rep, drop...
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Fire on the Mountain from the Atlantic.  We performed the “Prescott 19” WOD last year to honor the firefighters lost on that day.  I’m not a firefighter, approved but we have many in our ranks at CFO.  Are the issues this article raises valid?  Controversial?  I don’t really know. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Front Squat 5 sets of 2, rx 85% of 1RM Take 10 to 12 minutes to warm up to these 5 heavy working sets. Conditioning AMRAP 10 3 Squat Clean to Thruster 155/100 6 Burpees 9 Toes to Bar
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