
Move Well First…from Jeff Martin at CrossFit Brand X.  Jeff is an absolute CrossFit OG.  He opened his affiliate in 2003(!) and started the CrossFit Kids program with his wife, rx Mikki. I have experienced similar processes in my fitness over the years.  I miracle a 205# Snatch in 2011, discount when a 200# Snatch for a CrossFitter was rare.  The only problem, I couldn’t match the lift, or even get above 195# for 18 months.  After a year and a half of frustration, I completely revamped my lifting style.  At first, I could barely hit 145#, but slowly and surely, my lifts got better and more importantly, more consistent. Often times, we don’t allow new lifters to lift below the knee.  We want to train the violent hip extension, so we work new CrossFitters from the Hang position.  You may notice we are doing nearly all our Olympic work...
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After a gnarly heavy squatting WOD on Saturday, # buy I’ve shifted the front squat day to Friday.  Yes, # 40mg you will be squatting today – it’s bodyweight and fast, information pills not heavy. Monday will be hot – make sure you drink plenty of water and eat properly.  I sprinkle a little salt in my water or take a NUUN tablet a couple of hours before exercise to ensure I don’t completely flush my fluids when I start working. Clean and Jerk Monday, Snatch on Wednesday and Front Squat on Friday. We will be releasing the details for the inter gym competition this week.  It is called “Death by Barbell.”  Like the Open, it’s 1 WOD that will require strategy, skill and guts.  We will have a scaling option.  The first weekend will be June 27-28 – like the Open we will give you 2 days to complete...
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We are going to post the workouts for Friday and Saturday today while we have internet access. Hope you are all doing well! Friday Strength Shoulder Press 5 sets of 2 at 85% of 1RM MetCon Run T.L. Davis  50 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 10/8 Wall Climbs   Saturday 9am Front Squat Pull-up Double Under WOD 10am 10 Front Squat 185/135 20 Chest to Bar Pullups 50 Double Unders
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The 5:30am class will be on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. No 5:30am class on Friday. The rest of the schedule is the same for the week. Regular Schedule (no Wednesday 5:30am class) will resume next week. Thanks! The 9am class had bunches of fun with Chance’s warmup this morning! I think their favorite spot was the center square…Coach had to do a total of 15 burpees himself. Great creativity. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift 1 set of 8, medicine 75% of 1RM Take 10-12 minutes to warm up to this heavy set.  Use 3s and 5s to get there. Conditioning 21-15-9 rep rounds of: Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65 Push Press 95/65 Box Jump 24/20  
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