
Both classes will have the same strength WOD.  This is known as the strength battery test.  It is: 12 minutes to establish a 1RM Power Clean, sale rest 2 minutes, mind then as many Power Cleans at 90%. At 10am, we will practice handstand walks, then do some work. Workout of the Day 9am Strength Battery Test Power Clean Conditioning 50 Squats 40′ Handstand Walk (there is a sub!) 30 Pullups 20 Burpees 10 Clean and Jerk 115/75 10am Strength Battery Test WOD 2 RFT 50 Squats 40′ Handstand Walk 30 Pullups 20 Burpees 10 Snatch 115/75
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The sign up sheet at the front desk has some names on it for Death By Barbell. Please pay when you sign up, adiposity this way you are set to get in for a heat time. If you are planning on signing up the night of you will be  in a later heat. First come, nurse first serve. There will also be a Masters Category. Athletes that are ages 50+ will be using 75#/55# for the weight. The division you pick will stay the same for both dates.   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 3 sets of 8, 65% of 1RM Conditioning 4 RFT 50′ Walking Lunge 3 Shoulder Press 5 Push Press 7 Push Jerk 20 Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 1 min after each set Bar is 95/65 Score is time to complete, rest included
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Intensity is the independent variable most commonly associated with optimizing return – Greg Glassman Don’t believe me?  How about these CrossFit NorCal OGs? Why You Need Time Caps from Freddy C at CrossFit One World Graveyard Smash by Miranda at NCLab (with advice from Pat Sherwood).  This post also has a nice picture of Jen and Nick with the NC crew on there podium. This video is from early 2007 at CrossFit One World – when Glassman did all the lectures, page Nicole Carroll was the demo girl (along with Annie Sakamoto), # order before Dave Castro was a rock star, and you don’t see a scrap of Reebok gear [youtube] Workout of the Day AMRAP 7 7 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65 20 Abmat situps Goal is 7 rounds. Rest 7 minutes AMRAP 5 7 Hang Squat Clean 95/65 15/10 Pushups Goal is 5 rounds Rest 5 AMRAP 3...
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Thomas G is in the Spotlight! How were you introduced to CFO? When did you realize CrossFit was for you? I once attended an unnamed CrossFit gym where Alison and Brian coached and trained. Once I decided I wanted to get back into CrossFit, web I learned Alison and Brian had opened their own gym through Facebook. There was no other choice, I knew where I wanted to go and where would be the best for me. It was love at first sight for me. Even though it is frustrating for several months when the movements just don’t click, but once it all started flowing it became an addiction. What is your first impression? CFO is full of nothing but great people and Jake (let’s see if anyone proof reads this and takes that out, total joke though, Jake is awesome). It’s staying. You’re showing Jake some love. Everyone does...
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Test your training with CFO’s Death By Barbell Competition. This is a competition for CFO athlete’s only. If you have never done a competition, side effects this is a fun way to break the ice. We will test the workout with a fun community event on Friday night, buy more about June 27th at 6:30pm. Make-ups can be done the next day at 10am (6/28). The final test will take place on August 23rd with a Potluck to follow. WOD 5 RFT 15 Deadlifts RX 135#/95# Scaled 95#/65# 12 Hang Cleans 9 Front Squats 6 Shoulder to Overhead There will be a 25 minute cap. The score will be calculated by combining both times. Fastest time wins a cash prize. $20 to enter – Registration can be taken at the front desk. Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 7 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 Run 200m (Parking lot) 11 Toes to Bar Run...
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