
I went back and forth on the WOD for today – Louis made a strong case for one, sale but I’ll save it for a week or so.  I was REALLY thinking FGB, troche but want to talk that up a bit.  So…we’ll have a Hero WOD.  It can, this and should, be scaled.  The weight is light, but you may want to scale the reps. Just so you know, to use a baseball analogy, if Saturday’s WOD was a fastball, I would be sitting dead red, waiting for it like Reggie Jackson. Workout of the Day “Sean” 10 RFT 11 Chest to Bar Pullups 22 Front Squat 75/45 Scale the reps, the movements (use regular, banded or jumping pullups).  WOD is capped at 25 minutes. At 10am, we will do AMRAP 7 – 10m Handstand walks
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Chad Vaughn gets technical in the video.  So should you.  Try to make all 45 of your Snatch’s beautiful.  Scale the weight so it’s heavy, no rx but not so much so that you are missing too much.  As I like to say, make lifts that your mom would be proud of. [youtube] Workout of the Day 21 Snatch 155/100 Rest 3 minutes 15 Snatch 155/100 Rest 3 minutes 9 Snatch 155/100 Score is total time to completion, rest included With the remaining time in class, build to a heavy single of: Overhead Squat
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For those of you who are unaware of our current challenge, ed  there are many people participating in the Whole30 Challenge at CrossFit Oakdale. No grains, # 40mg no sugar, treat no dairy, no alcohol. Meat, eggs, veggies, some fruit, nuts, seeds and good fats have been our friend for the past 17 days. Three meals a day-No SNACKING or GRAZING. They have been subject to a baseline WOD and reflection on where this change has taken them.  The idea is to remove toxins and the foods that create inflammation and let your body recover. In the beginning there is a funk, kind of weakness, some might even say anger. I think we are over this point by now. The reason I say this is the PR’s that I have seen throughout the past 2.5 weeks. This is not to say this works 100% or even 90% of the time....
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A couple of thoughts: This test comes from those crazy Canucks from James FitzGerald and OPT.  James was the first CrossFit Games champ and he has forgot more about exercise than most of us will ever know. Are Full, treat or Squat Cleans ok?  No.  This is a test of the Power Clean.  You must pull hard and receive high. If the weight is in between, link like you are supposed to work with 202.5, recipe round to the lower 5.  In this case, do your Power Cleans at 200. Remember, it’s your test.  There is no “RX” for this, just you versus your self.  Or maybe, you versus the barbell.  Either way, every rep will be earned and should be celebrated. Scores should generally be between 15 and 35.  If you can do more than 35, you didn’t really set a 1RM Power Clean. If you did less than...
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Thank you for your support Stockton Police Officer Scott Hewell.  Together, more about we raised over $1800 for Scott’s family.  We moved a ton of weight and did a plethora of burpees to pay respect to a man who gave his all.  Thank you to all our generous donors that provided awesome prizes for our raffle:  Gun Accessory Supply, erectile RokFit, prostate Rogue, Caffeine and Kilos, Scentsy, Perfectly Posh, Golden Valley Awards, Again Faster, FitFit, Paleo Sweet Tooth, Lafayette Sugar Shoppe, Glitter Mama, Monet’s Garden, Fuel for Fire, Rita and Louis, Nick and Jen from NorCal CrossFit and Big Vic’s BBQ. Thanks to CrossFit Lodi, CrossFit Parabellum, and Barbarian Strength and Conditioning for coming out in force and supporting “Hewell!” The Top Performers in “Hewell” were: Men Kevin Rooney, CrossFit Lodi, 9 rounds plus 13 Denny Ferreira, CrossFit Oakdale, 9 rounds plus 2 Christian Acosta, CrossFit Oakdale, 8 rounds plus...
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