Micalya competed in the Tomato Massacre in Los Banos, information pills hosted by CrossFit Valley View on Saturday. Micayla competed in 3 tough WODs: a HSPU/pistol/burpee/DU mash, buy information pills a Run/Snatch, visit this and a Death by Barbell except the barbell was an axel. Which is harder folks. I didn’t make it to Los Banos until her third WOD, but her spirits were high, and I saw her really battle through the death by axel bar, taking 5th in the competition. These WODs are no joke – they all had high skill components Based on her performance, Micayla earned her way into the finals in her first individual competition. The finals were NO JOKE: a 200m run, 30 GHD sit-ups, a 115# walking lunge, 30 53# Kettlebell Swings, another walking lunge, 30 more GHD sit-ups, and finishing with 10 squat cleans at 135, all under a 10 minute cap. ...
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