CFO Braggin’ time 2 CrossFit Oakdale teams trekked out to CrossFit Walnut Creek to participate in a Row-a-thon (90 minutes of rowing, approved with 8 skill events mixed in) to raise funds for the family of Ericlee Gilmore. I’ve talked about Ericlee before – he was a great man that died far too young from cancer. He left behind a wife and 3 daughters. I’m happy that we could do something to help his family out. CFO Red, approved made up of Janet, Thomas, Jen Z (on loan from NorCal CrossFit) and I took home first place, winning both the row and the skill events. CFO Blue, made up of Trevor, Micayla, Jake and Krista (on loan from CrossFit Parabellum) killed it too. Krista crushed a tire flip event and Trevor skipped his way to 165 double unders in 2 minutes, while his team rowed over 20k in 90 minutes....
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