Fran-niversary WOD 4 AMRAP 5 Elite and Open 10 Hand Release Pushups 10 Doubleunders 20 Hand Release Pushups 20 Doubleunders 30 Hand Release Pushups 30 Doubleunders 40 Hand Release Pushups 40 Doubleunders 50 Hand Release Pushups 50 Doubleunders… Keep going up by 10s Once again, more about this is done partner style, doctor 1 partner works while the other rests/cheers/talks trash. There are no minimum work requirements – one team member can do all the double under, one can do all the pushups. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift Heavy set of 5, week 7 of 8 Add 5-10# to last weeks effort. Conditioning AMRAP 10 5 Pullups 10 Walking Lunge 15 Situps You may substitute 3 Ring or Bar MU for the Pullups
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