
There are some pretty advanced-y movements at the end of today’s WOD Muscle Ups and Burpee Muscle Ups.  If you have never done a Burpee Muscle Up before…it’s a Muscle Up with a Burpee before it.  It will really teach you to control the rings.  And if your dip out of the Muscle Up is weak, generic the Burpee will expose that weakness. I talk about this all the time in Open preparations, erectile but there are certain things you should expect if you want to really maximize your score in the Open.  You want to have Burpees in Doubleunders in big sets and you want to be able to perform Muscle Ups under complete exhaustion. I have added a 2 Open prep WODs on the whiteboard.  The first has a barbell component to it.  Please only attempt this WOD if there are enough barbells for a class and you...
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We’ll try Beast Builder Version 2 this week.  This version adds 1 minute to the work, online and 1 rep to each round.  I strongly recommend dropping the weight, possibly your 1st or 2nd attempt in weight.  This is adding 16 total reps, so be ready to work hard, and the rest gets shorter. Today’s conditioning piece is quick and easy with a 7 minute cap.  You may use chips to count, but that may take up too much time to kick a chip.  Is there a better way to count?  I don’t know – I think just like Sam Wheat, you gotta just get your hands in that clay and mold, baby. Is anyone interested a game of Ultimate Football on Super Bowl Sunday?  We have the Fat Testing truck coming in the morning on Sunday, and a game of Ultimate Football, basically Ultimate Frisbee is a great way...
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We will do this at 9am and 10am. At 10 am, cheap after this fun time we will continue with more fun times.  Please be prepared to judge each other. We would love to run this like the Open. 14.3 Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of: 135/95-lb. deadlifts, online 10 reps 15 box jumps, 24/20-inch 185/135-lb. deadlifts, 15 reps 15 box jumps, 24/20-inch 225/155-lb. deadlifts, 20 reps 15 box jumps, 24/20-inch 275/185-lb. deadlifts, 25 reps 15 box jumps, 24/20-inch 315/205-lb. deadlifts, 30 reps 15 box jumps, 24/20-inch 365/225-lb. deadlifts, 35 reps 15 box jumps, 24/20-inch
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Today’s WOD comes from CrossFit New England.  It has bears an eerie resemblance to 14.5 – burpee in thruster – and the weights are light enough that big, buy possibly unbroken (UB) sets, are not only possible, but doable.  There are 54 total reps of each movement, for a total of 216 reps were nothing is easy, but nothing is too hard. Some thoughts Just looking at it for an RX athlete, I would not do the Snatch UB early, even though you could.  I think quick sets of 5 will work well here.  I would recommend this because I think the Thrusters can and should be done as UB as possible – save some fortitude on the Snatch and use it up on the Thrusters.  Burpees, as always, are just get them done with as much bounce out of the bottom and as little rest as possible.  Toes to...
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Over the next 2 days, try we have some lighter barbell WODs.  95/65 seems light, story but light usually means you don’t have to stop. Friday is a nasty, but lighter barbell WOD with Snatches, Thrusters, Toes to Bar and Burpees from CrossFit New England that comes with Coach Chris’ seal of approval.  Make sure you say thanks when you see him. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 10 5 Strict Pullups  If possible, do strict Chest to Bar, even if this means doing singles.  If you don’t have strict pull-ups, pull as hard and as high as you can.  If a kip happens, that’s acceptable, just not preferred. Conditioning AMRAP 25 400m Run 15 Power Cleans 95/65 21/15 Pushups
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