
CrossFit Oakdale will be closed on Saturday for the competition at CrossFit Alpha Omega in Ripon on Saturday.  We have a bunch of athletes competing.  Good luck to all – use this week to train hard and test out your prep for the Open.  If you are taking a bunch of rest this week to get ready for a local comp – you’re doing it wrong.  They have announced some good WODs – it should be no tougher than a normal Saturday of training.  Continue to train hard and get ready for the Open. This week, see we have Front Squat on Monday, order Deadlift on Tuesday and Snatch on Wednesday.  On Thursday, check we have a WOD that is Open-y.  Friday is a sweet little Triplet of FS, C2B and Burpees.  Ok – enough with the hints. We will be holding our Eat Well, Live Better Challenge meeting at...
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9am Workout of the Day Clean and Jerk Practice AMRAP 12 15 Burpees 10 Clean and Jerks 135/95 15 Burpees 10 Clean and Jerks 155/105 15 Burpees 10 Clean and Jerks 185/115 15 Burpees As Clean and Jerks as possible in the remaining time, adiposity 205/125 10am Monster Mash @ 0:00 21-15-9 Back Squat 185/115 Kettlebell Swing 53/35 10 minute cap @ 15:00 AMRAP 15 40 Doubleunders 20 Wallball Shots 20/14 10 Muscle Ups @40:00 AMRAP 12 15 Burpees 10 Clean and Jerks 135/95 15 Burpees 10 Clean and Jerks 155/105 15 Burpees 10 Clean and Jerks 185/115 15 Burpees As Clean and Jerks as possible in the remaining time, 205/125
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The No Hook, thumb No Foot Snatch is a great drill to get you to open your hips while forcing you to really pull your body under the bar.  To perform it, dosage you can’t use the hook grip and you position your feet, from the beginning, in the landing position.  This is an excellent opportunity to work on receiving the bar in the Overhead Squat position. Scale the weight on the OHS in the WOD, as it’s meant to be relatively heavy.  Use a weight that you may be able to Snatch and receive in the OHS, but that is not required.  You may put the bar in the OHS position by Clean and Jerking the bar and placing it on your back.  This is slower, but when you are under fatigue, and your lats are smoke from 63 pull-ups and holding that bar overhead, know you have options. ...
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For the 1 Arm Alternating DB Snatch, # dosage pick a weight that is challenging, ailment but you will be able to move consistently for the allotted time.  You should not be fighting the weight, story but fighting to move it smoothly and efficiently with a perfect starting and finishing positions.  Your deltoid should be pressed into your ear. What is the difference between a Plate Burpee and a Burpee to Plate?  In one you jump on the plate, in the other, you put the plate over your head.  Which is which?  You’ll have to come to CFO to find out. [youtube] Carl Paoli with great tips on the 1 arm DB Snatch.  He’s talking about working with 100/75, but if you focus on the thumb back, you will be in goo position.  External rotation homies!  Workout of the Day Skill OTM 16 Even: Alternating DB 1 Arm Snatch...
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Fitness Observation: We re-did 14.3 on Saturday – the Deadlift/Box Jump ladder, website where the DL get progressively heavier.  As the reps built up with all the pulling and jumping, sick 275, more about and later 315 felt like they were strapped to the floor.  Each rep was a battle under fatigue. Fast forward 2 days, and we had Deadlift for 3 heavy singles.  In almost no time, I was back up to the weights in 14.3.  With rest I pulled them easy, with good set ups and quick pulls.  I continued to pull well past the 315 weight, and even as the reps added up, the rest was enough to keep me feeling fresh and strong. We’ve been following a Deadlift progression for the better part of 4 months, so I was hoping 14.3 would be easier, as my body was conditioned to heavy, fast pulls.  I am stronger...
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