
CrossFit Oakdale had a fun Saturday in Ripon at CrossFit Alpha Omega’s competition. Chance, order Thomas and I walked in there with some pretty decent front squat numbers – Chance and I expected to squat in the low 300s.  We got out freaking doors blown off as dudes were squatting in the high 300s, with the winner hitting 405.  Wowee Zowee! If there is any lesson to be learned, it’s that you can always get stronger, and you should always be trying to get stronger. But the story of the weekend is really about CFO ladies.  Alpha Omega laid down some pretty high standards for the RX division, so our ladies played it smart, and signed up in the Scaled division.  Once the WOD were announced, it was clear our ladies could handle the work, but they stuck with their division. Micayla took first in the Front Squat with a...
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CrossFit Oakdale will be closed Saturday as we converge on Alpha Omega CrossFit in Ripon. Next Saturday we will test an Open WOD in both 9am and 10am classes.  I wish I could say there is a great deal of strategy involved, abortion but I’ve done it a few times.  The WOD for next Saturday is Open WOD 11.5 – a 20 minute AMRAP of 5 Cleans 145/100, information pills 10 Toes to Bar and 15 Wallball Shots 20/14.  There are some skills required – if you are fit, it will be very helpful to be able to do big sets of Toes to Bar with minimal breaks, and it would be beneficial to be tall for the number of Wallball you might be doing.  But otherwise, this is a straight up test of work capacity.  Somewhere around 8 minutes in you will have to cross your eyes and just...
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7 Principles for Prepping for the 2015 CrossFit Games Open for Jacob Tsypkin at Juggernaut Training Systems. I like this article.  It has a bunch of good tips on building your training, malady I disagree with points 1 and 3.  I do place emphasis on the Open, because fit tests the things that CrossFit is looking for – the fittest on Earth.  It is one of the best tests we have in identifying what we are good at and what we could work more on.  If you truly attack the Open, you may re-do a WOD.  This will cause you to go to school on the movements.  If you have to do 7 minutes of Burpees, and just Burpees, you will have to get really smart on the best way for YOU to perform the movement across the whole WOD.  And this sounds crazy, but I like to repeat WODs. ...
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Tuesday at 6:30pm we will do a quick 15 minute Muscle Up Clinic. This is for all levels…so don’t be nervous. Everyone will learn something! Don’t forget there are no classes on Saturday. Please join us at Alpha Omega CrossFit for the competition! Workout of the Day 3 RFT 50 Doubleunders 25 Power Snatch 95/65 15 minute cap In the remaining time in class, order build to a max effort Hang Snatch.  Any style is acceptable – full or squat, power, and split.  But, if you need to work on your OHS – receive that bar in that position.
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Today’s WOD can have a lot of Pullups if you are good at them.  If you feel like you may approach 75 Pullups or more, healing you should be doing Chest to Bar Pullups.  If you get 75 Chest to Bar Pullups or more, medications you are probably ready for anything life will throw at you. I will talk more about this in the coming days, but sign up for the CrossFit Games Open. Kirk and Alexis, The Time Bandits, pulling a 600# plus DL on Saturday.  Great job and way to represent CFO! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift, 1.1.1, Week 6 Conditioning AMRAP 10 Pullups At the top of each minute, including the first minute, perform 7 Box Jumps 24/20 7 Pushups
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