Today’s WOD can have a lot of Pullups if you are good at them. If you feel like you may approach 75 Pullups or more, healing you should be doing Chest to Bar Pullups. If you get 75 Chest to Bar Pullups or more, medications you are probably ready for anything life will throw at you. I will talk more about this in the coming days, but sign up for the CrossFit Games Open. Kirk and Alexis, The Time Bandits, pulling a 600# plus DL on Saturday. Great job and way to represent CFO! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift, 1.1.1, Week 6 Conditioning AMRAP 10 Pullups At the top of each minute, including the first minute, perform 7 Box Jumps 24/20 7 Pushups
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