Some Advice

7 Principles for Prepping for the 2015 CrossFit Games Open for Jacob Tsypkin at Juggernaut Training Systems.
I like this article.  It has a bunch of good tips on building your training, malady I disagree with points 1 and 3.  I do place emphasis on the Open, because fit tests the things that CrossFit is looking for – the fittest on Earth.  It is one of the best tests we have in identifying what we are good at and what we could work more on.  If you truly attack the Open, you may re-do a WOD.  This will cause you to go to school on the movements.  If you have to do 7 minutes of Burpees, and just Burpees, you will have to get really smart on the best way for YOU to perform the movement across the whole WOD.  And this sounds crazy, but I like to repeat WODs.  First, if you plan properly, you should improve.  Second, in my opinion, fitness is just as much about will than it is about anything else.  Putting yourself through a physical and mental grinder, only to get up and tackle it again days later is good for your warrior soul.
Yes, we are “prepping” for the Open.  We are prepping because it’s coming up and we have a general idea of what to expect.  But the best way to get ready for the Open is to get more fit.  If you have spent the last year getting better at the Olympic lifts, you are prepping for the Open.  If you have been working on your pull-ups or wall balls or toes to bar, you are prepping for the Open.  If you have been running and doing Muscle Ups, you are prepping for the Open.  If you have been working hard, building your capacity, you are prepping for the Open.  If you are getting more fit, you are prepping for the Open.
If you have been avoiding weaknesses, or overly focused on one aspect of you fitness i.e. spending all your free time squatting heavy and avoiding burpees, or spending all your time doing burpees and avoiding squatting heavy you may not getting more fit, therefore you are not prepping for the Open.  The goal is always to be more fit, always improving your fitness across all times and domains.
Workout of the Day
3 Burpees
3 Wallball Shots 20/14
Each round, the reps increase by 3.  3/3, 6/6, 9/9, 12/12, 15/15…Score is total reps completed.
Rest 3 minutes
Run TL Davis for time