
WHO’S WHO at CFO By Denny Ferreira We all have the physical ability, healing day in and day out, erectile to provide influence, purpose and meaning to those that we interact with. Be it through the generosity of a helping hand, paying someone a nice compliment or just a smile. We have the physical ability to truly do good for our friends and even our foes. Now ask yourself, do you or can you, create that same response through your shear willingness to live? Do you radiate life? Is your pure willingness to fight or start over, no matter how meek or grim the circumstances may be, strong enough to create influence, purpose and meaning within others? Have I personally witnessed this? Almost every Tuesday and Wednesday night coaching the 6:30 class! You damn near need a medal of honor to work out, or even coach, the amazing stories that...
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Some thoughts on both parts of todays work. We will be doing the Back Squat piece for at least 5 more weeks, medical and at 30 or so possible heavy, price working reps each session, it’s worth talking about.  To Back Squat 5 heavy reps in the short time we allocate, you need to have a plan.  First, on squat days, use any extra time you have before class to get you legs ready to squat heavy.  Squat test, roll them, Air Squat, shoot a heavy Wallball.  Get your hips, knees and ankles warm so you are ready when it comes time to load.  This is vitally important.  Otherwise you are going to feel like a creaky old fart until about 12 minutes into the lifting session. Next, once the session begins, understand that a set of 5 is harder than a set of 2 or 3.  You may be...
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I just have time for a quick post tonight.  Folks have done a great job on 15.1, recipe literally hanging tough on Toes to Bar, visit this site and making some big lifts.  Great work – more on that tomorrow. We are beginning a new Press Complex on Monday – it is simple, but should really enhance our overhead position.  Take the time to find an ideal weight. Workout of the Day Press Complex From the Rack 2 Shoulder Press, 1 Push Press – after your Push Press, hold the weight overhead, actively pushing the weight up, for a solid 3 count. Build to a heavy set of this complex in 15 minutes. Conditioning 5 RFT 40 Doubleunders 30 Box Jumps 24/20 20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 22 minute cap.  This is an aggressive cap.  Even if you are flying, a round may take 3 minutes – so 15 minutes would be...
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Quick confession – of all the CrossFit movements, online I felt like the one we were least likely to see in bunches WOD 1 was…Toes to Bar. Well, # sorry.  Instead you got a Toe to Bar WODs. There are a lot of great prep resources out there, check them out if you need to to.  But I prefer to keep it simple. Warm up with 70% of your Clean and Jerk.  The DL and Snatch will  be simple and smooth after this.  And you will be ready to move heavy weight. This is a Toe to Bar WOD.  No doubt about it.  If you can do 10 Ties to Bar well, you should be working in sets of 2s and 3s.  No joke.  I feel like I am pretty good at T2B, and I am concerned about y plan to do 5s.  Be VERY conservative here.  The barbell stuff...
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15.1 has been announced it it looks like a fun one.  It is a little on the light side, stomach but that does to mean it should be taken lightly.  You may be inclined to rip off 15 straight Toes to Bar, page but I would highly advise against it.  Toes to Bar should likely be done in 5-5-5, shop 3s or if you are a machine 9-6 or 8-7.  For many of us, the DL will be unbroken and singles will work very well on the Snatch, although a few chained reps may be ok at the light-ish weight. For the Clean and Jerk portion, keep weight handy, and load as soon as you finish.  BUT…I wouldn’t attempt a lift until a minute or 2 have passed.  If you are planning a huge lift, you may have to take some warm up sets, but in all likely hood, you...
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