
Sorry for the late post.  I am still licking my wounds from Chris kicking my butt on that WOD from yesterday. Here’s the deal for the Snatch WOD – it’s 10 sets of 20 DU and 1 Snatch for load.  You will have the entire minute to make the lift, dosage meaning in that minute, you do the DU, then you get as many attempts as you need to make a lift.  If you make it, rest. On the other minute, you get to rest and load your bar with more weight. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM 12 Even 6 Pullups – Strict Odd 6/3 Dips(Rings or Matador) Then At the top of each 2 minutes, for 20 minutes 20 Doubleunders (or 7 attempts) 1 Snatch Rest the remainder of the 2 minute period. For your score, mark your total weight lifted and your best lift
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CrossFit Oakdale finished 52rd among teams in Northern California.  I am extremely proud of this accomplishment.  We do not have a professional exerciser among us – we have a gym of regular people that work hard, pharmacy work smart and work on their weaknesses.  We don’t have any weightlifting spe#ts, former D1 athletes or any such craziness.  What we do have is a bunch of good people that hung in there through the most challenging Open WODs we have seen.  Not only did we, as a gym finish 52, on the first page of the NorCal Leaderboard, but we got better as the WODs went on.  After 15.3, as the Leaderboard was really coming together, we were hanging around in the 60s.  After 15.4, a WOD that hurt a lot of gyms, we had our best showing, finishing in 38th place in NorCal.    After 15.4, we were sitting in...
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One thought on programming for the next year – we will likely always Squat heavy once a week.  This means either a Front Squat or a Back Squat Progression year round.  We will mix up the rep schemes through different cycles and progressions, pharm but expect to squat heavy once a week from now until the Zombie Apocalypse.  Overhead Squats should be a staple, mind so expect to see them regularly, what is ed but they require a little less raw stregnth.  We will hit them up differently – more like practice.  Wallballs and thrusters – you just gotta do em – heavy, light, high rep, low rep, whatever.  Mid-line stabilize like a mother grabber, but strong legs will ALWAYS be a priority.  Sore legs are the staple of a CrossFitter.  Sore legs are the new hand tears. I noticed something last week – 15.5 didn’t have Burpees.  In preparation...
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The Open is over!  If you competed and tried your best, no rx congratulations!  If you helped in any capacity, prostate judged, cheered on an athlete, tried one of the WODs, or participated in any way, great job!  We hope you play next year! I will do more analysis of the Open over the coming week when all the scores are in. But I will say this – this was the hardest Open ever.  Skill wise, and to a certain degree, weight wise, it was the most challenging.  I do feel like we were prepared in every way – except for rowing for calories.  But that ain’t that hard and now we have 4 rowers – and they all work.  Kind of – don’t ask Denny or Tricia about wonky rowers on 15.5.  It just ain’t funny. Stand by for more rowing WODs. I am convinced the Open will continue...
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Another group of well behaved individuals have completed the Eat Well Live Better Paleo Challenge. Congratulations to Gloria, healing Robin, Nicole, Mike, Rocky, Kirk, Rita, and Dorian for completing 30 days of unprocessed foods, quality sleep, increased water intake and Pure Pharma  (Fish Oil, Magnesium, and Vitamin D). They logged their days into a google document, supported each other on Facebook and share their recipes daily. In the end, our winners are: Most points earned: Robin  Most overall inched lost: Nicole 7″ Most weight Loss: Dorian 7.8% of her body weight (12.2#) Most Improved Baseline: Gloria  Overall Physical Change: Rocky Winner will get a choice of $25 Lululemon gift card or $25 Rogue Fitness Gift Card.  If you haven’t seen it, there is a Eat Well Live Better Challengers page on Facebook. If you look at posts to page you can see how AWESOME these people were for each other...
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