
Tuesday will be the final week of our 8 week Back Squat builtd.  Throw in the CrossFit Games Open, thumb where we did a million Overhead Squats, cure Wallball Shots and Thrusters, plus all the squat work I throw at you, and you have been fighting a war on your legs. After all these squats, we will test our 1RM next week.  Maybe you PR, maybe you don’t.  Truthfully, it matters, but not a whole lot.  As long as you are building a durable body, and you are getting stronger, you are winning. If you have been training for more than a few years, you know PR come fast early, but get harder as you train.  I have not PR’ed my 1RM Back Squat – I am not kidding – in 4 years.  It’s 365.  This might sound like bragging, but here goes: during that time, I have qualified for...
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We hope you folks had a great spring break, visit this even if it lasts for another day here in Oakiedale.  Here’s the plan for the week: Mon – Press Complex Tues – Back Squat, 5RM week 8 Wed – Snatch work Thur – Sweet running/conditioning WOD Fri – Pullup/Dip OTM Workout of the Day Press Complex, Week 7 of 8 In 15 minutes, build to a heavy complex of 2 Shoulder Press, 1 Push Press with a 3 second hold at the end. Conditioning AMRAP 8 10 Pullups 10 Push Press 10 Push Jerk Men – 95, Ladies – 65 Yes, there is a difference between a Push Press and a Push Jerk.  If you have been doing CrossFit for more than a few months, you should understand the distinction and why/when either lift can be useful.  
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Don’t forget about the Rodeo tomorrow. We will still be having the usual classes at 9am and 10am. The Open is over, advice let’s lift some heavy weights and have some fun.  Workout of the Day Power Clean 3-3-3-3 Go up by 10# each set Front Squat 2-2-2-2 From  your power clean weight go up 10# each set Squat Clean 1-1-1-1 From your front squat weigh go up 10# each set 
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Just a heads up that Rodeo Weekend is upon us. Our schedule does not change, more about but if you are planning on attending 9am on Saturday and live north east or west of F street, medications you are going to want to make sure you get south before the parade starts on Saturday morning. See you then! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill High Hang Snatch Build to a heavy single in 20 minutes.  I consider the High Hang slightly lower than position 1, but not quite position 2.  This may seem like mincing words, but it should allow you some leverage and hamstring loading, as opposed to position 1, which is strictly an up and down position.  Make sense? OTM 16 Even 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/25 Odd 30 seconds of Snatch 135/95          30 seconds of rest Score is total of Snatches completed in the 8...
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I wanted tot talk briefly about the Pull Up/Dip OTM we have been doing.  The idea behind this is to develop strict pulling if you have been kipping away for years (like I have). The other idea is to systematically attack the weakness of the dip portion (or the catch position) of the Muscle Up.  Generally, prostate ladies struggle with the Dip, link so I only ask that ladies do 3, pills compared to guys doing 6. BUT… For everyone, make this work for you.  If 3 dips is not enough, do 4 or 5 or 6.  If you are smoking through the 6 pull ups or dips, focus on moving slowly through the movements, using tempo – like explode up, and lower yourself on a 3 or 4 count.  Personally, I have been doing strict Chest to Bar in each session. If you are doing all the work, this...
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