Thursday’s WOD is a Barbara-esque rep scheme – 5 sprint triplets with 3 minutes rest between sets. If the first round takes you longer than 5 minutes, price but you are able to complete the movements as prescribed, you will need to scale the reps down – maybe 15/20/25. Ideally, visit this site the working sets should be in the 3-5 minute range, with 3 minutes rest after each set. If you complete your first round in 3:30, look at the clock and add 3 minutes. Your next round begins at 6:30. If you complete that round at 10:05, your next round begins at 13:05 and so forth. For scaling pull-ups, I recommend banded pull-ups, body pulls or even kettle bell swings over jumping pull-ups, as your legs will get plenty of work on the Box Jumps and Wallballs. Workout of the Day 5RFT 20 Chest to Bar Pullups 25...
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