
Alison and I will be be at NorCal CrossFit renewing our vows, page er, rx renewing our Level 1 Certification.  Micayla, aka, MiKilla will be holding down the 9am.  10am – I will give you some ideas, but I hope you get nasty. Workout of the Day 5RFT 15 Deadlift 185/115 15 Toes to Bar
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Originally, # I planned the Cleans to be Squat Cleans in the Conditioning piece.  But we have done a ton of leg stuff this week.  So, I will leave it up to you – if you want to squat the barbell, go for it.  If your legs are all spicy like mine, Power Clean that -ish. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 2 Position Hang Clean (Low then High) 5 sets – take 10 minutes to warm up.  You may work below the knee on the low position, then from the high work at mid thigh. Back Squat, 4 sets of 3 For all sets, we started at 60% of 1RM last week.  You may add 5-10# to this weeks lift. Conditioning AMRAP 5 Cleans 185/115 Optional Work Split Jerk 5×2 
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Thursday’s WOD is a Barbara-esque rep scheme – 5 sprint triplets with 3 minutes rest between sets.  If the first round takes you longer than 5 minutes, price but you are able to complete the movements as prescribed, you will need to scale the reps down – maybe 15/20/25.  Ideally, visit this site the working sets should be in the 3-5 minute range, with 3 minutes rest after each set. If you complete your first round in 3:30, look at the clock and add 3 minutes.  Your next round begins at 6:30.  If you complete that round at 10:05, your next round begins at 13:05 and so forth. For scaling pull-ups, I recommend banded pull-ups, body pulls or even kettle bell swings over jumping pull-ups, as your legs will get plenty of work on the Box Jumps and Wallballs. Workout of the Day 5RFT 20 Chest to Bar Pullups 25...
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In case you haven’t noticed, pharm the fridge is LOADED with a new batch of eggs from Stueve Dairy. There are smalls for $4 or Jumbos for $7. These eggs are local from free range, medications pasture raised chickens. If you haven’t had a chance to try them out come in and I will give you 2 eggs for free. Just make sure you have a way to get them home safely!  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 3 sets of 1 Behind the Neck Push Press/Jerk, link 2 Overhead Squats Work from the rack.  Take 7-10 minutes to get warm and accustomed to the movement, and work up to a moderate weight for 3 working sets.  55-60% of 1RM Clean and Jerk is a good starting point.  If you did this last week, you may add 5-10#. Stiff-Legged Deadlift 3 sets of 8 Take 3 or 4 minutes to warm...
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This weeks Benchmark “Girl” is “Elizabeth” – a 21-15-9 couplet of Cleans and Ring Dips.  To me, # sale Fran, Diane and Elizabeth are the true 21-15-9 tests.  Fran is a weightlifting pushing movement with a gymnastic pull, Elizabeth and Diane and weightlifting pulling movements with gymnastic pushes. There was some argument in the old days (like, 2007) as to what constituted an RX Elizabeth – was the Clean a “Power” or “Squat.”  CrossFit put videos out on both and officially called the Clean to be caught in the Squat.  That has evolved over the years, because the Power Clean allows you to go faster – to do more work in less time.  So Power Elizabeth has replaced Squat Clean Elizabeth as the RX version – until we decide otherwise.  If we start seeing a lot of sub 3 Elizabeth’s (good luck there) we’ll make you squat the Clean.  For...
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