
As usual, I am excited for WHO’s WHO so, without any further to do, allow me to introduce PETE ANDERSON. How were you introduced to CFO? When did you realize CrossFit was for you? My son plays baseball with Denny’s boy Brody. I was asking Denny questions about CF and he’d always tell me to go in and try a WOD. A couple of months later I finally dragged my butt in there. The WOD that day was “Helen” and it thoroughly kicked my ass. It took about 6 weeks to get hooked. When I would read Brian’s blog about the next day’s WOD before going to bed and then lie there awake most of the night strategizing, I knew I was all in. What is your first impression ? Some really cool people working really hard. One time at a 0530 class, I was the only FNG and we...
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We all have the physical ability, day in and day out, to provide influence, purpose and meaning to those that we interact with. Be it through the generosity of a helping hand, paying someone a nice compliment or just a smile. We have the physical ability to truly do good for our friends and even our foes. Now ask yourself, do you or can you, create that same response through your shear willingness to live? Do you radiate life? Is your pure willingness to fight or start over, no matter how meek or grim the circumstances may be, strong enough to create influence, purpose and meaning within others? Have I personally witnessed this? Almost every Tuesday and Wednesday night coaching the 6:30 class! You damn near need a medal of honor to work out, or even coach, the amazing stories that belong to the participants of that class! Have I...
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This month’s spotlight athlete is Rockford ‘Rocky’ Anderson. Rocky came to us less than a year ago and has been working his butt off since day 1. Every day that he comes into the gym he brings a positive and supporting attitude. Not only does Rocky give 120% effort into his workouts, he’s always cheering for and pushing other athletes to go harder. Rocky is a coach’s dream. He is always open and receptive to coaching, and wants any insight a coach can give him to become a better athlete. We also know Rocky as the local Oakdale Cop and for that we thank you. Rocky expressed to me that around the end of last summer he was in a fight at work. He was out of shape and overweight, his fitness level almost cost him the fight. In our line of work losing the fight can easily mean losing...
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I am genuinely excited about tomorrow’s CrossFit Benchmark – it’s not a “Girl” – or even a Hero WOD per se – but it is an excellent test of fitness.  It challenging, dosage repeatable and easy to assess to process. The progress is what I am excited about.  I think we have some pretty good scores on our board, more about but I think we can blow nearly every score off the board.  I think many of you are very capable of 25 rounds, order and we may even see a 30 round effort. The way I score the Chief is you pick up each round where you left off. I have done it other ways, but with the built in rest, I find the “pick up where you left off style” is the most intense effort. If you are looking for a big score, here is my advice: Chain...
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This week’s benchmark is “The Chief.”  More on that tomorrow. The summer is in full swing, approved but that doesn’t mean we are in the throws of the lazy days of it. I (Alison) recently read an article about punctuality. One of my favorite parts is about how being on time shows that you value yourself and your time. I value my coaches and their time.  We realize you have busy lives too.  Sometimes you are running late or the traffic light at Greger is jacked up, and we get that.  If you find yourself walking in to class a minute or two late please make sure you get to the board ASAP and notify the coach that you are there to train. Our coaches only have an hour to impart their wisdom upon you and we want to make sure you get the full benefit of their time. We...
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