In Which We Get to Learn from the "Mistakes" of Others

I Make Mistakes So You Don’t Have To from JTS.Great stuff from Jacob Tsypkin on the constantly moving target – becoming more fit.
Workout of the Day
Snatch Balance
4 sets of 2, try 60-65% of 1RM Snatch
Front Squat
5 sets of 3, # approved 75-80% of 1RM
Take 10 minute get warmed up on the Snatch Balance.  Once you complete your 4 sets, your legs should be pretty warm.  Transition quickly to the Front Squat, with 3-4 quick warm up sets, and start squatting heavy.
30 Chest to Bar Pullups
30 Burpees to Plate
30 Wallball Shots
7 minute cap
Pacing is cool, but my recommendation is that you try to go unbroken, or in as big of sets as possible.  Treat this as a dead sprint – scale the C2B to regular pull-ups if you have them.  If not, C2B Body or Ring Pulls.