Eva T, sale the Original CrossFit athlete. This week’s CrossFit Benchmark is “Nate.” Nate is a Hero WOD, medications dedicated to Nate Hardy, a Navy SEAL who was killed in Iraq in February, 2008. Nate is a great WOD – a 20 minute AMRAP that is for more advance athletes. I would say that if you are capable of doing 1 muscle up and a couple of Handstand Pushups, you should tackle this as RX. If you do not, I will provide a scaled Nate – AMRAP 20 of 1 Wall Climb, 2 Burpee Pullups and 8 Kettlebell Swings. Finally, if the scaled Nate is not your cup of tea, you can go for it’s baby sister, Cindy. I would say Cindy, Mary and Nate are a pretty good grouping of CrossFit challenges. Workout of the Day “Nate” AMRAP 20 2 Muscleups 4 Handstand Pushups (Kipping is allowed) 8 Kettlebell...
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