
Sometimes you gotta make do with what you got.  Alison and I got a rooftop WOD with a view on our trip to Seattle. Wednesday has a similar rep scheme to Monday – but I don’t think you should go as fast.  The Box Jump is a little higher than normal.  I highly recommend a jump up/step down technique.  If you try to rebound, and the chances of scrubbing your shin on the higher box greatly increases.  Take it from a guy with groddy shins – it ain’t worth it.   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift In 15 minutes, doctor build to a heavy single.  Target weight is 75% of 1RM.  Once you hit this weight, and pull it for 3-4 heady singles, with rest in between. Front Squat 3 sets of 3, 70% of 1RM Conditioning AMRAP 7 5 Box Jumps 30/24 2 Shoulder to Overhead 165/105
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Eva T, sale the Original CrossFit athlete. This week’s CrossFit Benchmark is “Nate.” Nate is a Hero WOD, medications dedicated to Nate Hardy, a Navy SEAL who was killed in Iraq in February, 2008. Nate is a great WOD – a 20 minute AMRAP that is for more advance athletes.  I would say that if you are capable of doing 1 muscle up and a couple of Handstand Pushups, you should tackle this as RX. If you do not, I will provide a scaled Nate – AMRAP 20 of 1 Wall Climb, 2 Burpee Pullups and 8 Kettlebell Swings. Finally, if the scaled Nate is not your cup of tea, you can go for it’s baby sister, Cindy.  I would say Cindy, Mary and Nate are a pretty good grouping of CrossFit challenges. Workout of the Day “Nate” AMRAP 20 2 Muscleups 4 Handstand Pushups (Kipping is allowed) 8 Kettlebell...
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For the next 4 weeks the strength training will be little more simple, advice with 3 days a week of squatting. Mon – Snatch – Heavy Single for 15 minutes             Back Squat – Heavy Single for 15 minutes Wed – Deadlift – Heavy Single for 15 minutes             Front Squat – 3 sets of 3 Friday – Clean and Jerk – Heavy Single for 15 minutes                2 rep Pause Back Squat – Build to a Heavy set in 15 minutes We will provide target percentages, pills but the idea is to lift heavy, approved taking 10 minutes to build to a heavy weight, then getting 3-4 sets at that heavy weight. This weeks benchmark is “Nate.”  It’s a more advanced WOD, but it can easily be scaled.  Be be ready to bust your butt for...
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Ladies Bunco was a rousing success – if you missed out, pharm stay tuned to the Facebook Events or get on board with the reminder texts. Text @cfoakdale to 81010 to stay up to date on the goings on around CFO. Regular CrossFit Classes tomorrow at 9am and Advanced at 10am. I’d like to run through the speed Clean ladder at 10, then we’ll do the class WOD Workout of the Day 15-12-9-6-3 Chest to Bar Pullup Clean and Jerk 135/95 Hand Release Pushup Run the parking lot at then end of each round
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If you’ve been checking out the Games videos I’ve been posting, link you may have noticed how the sport has grown.  Or exploded.  It’s funny to see the tiny crowd if you can even call it that in the Clean/Ring HSPU WOD compared to the packed house in the Stadium Chipper in 2012.  Denny and I were present when Camille and Rich won the Games in 2014, and the tennis stadium was absolutely packed, with grandstands added and the aisles were literally packed to watch people Clean and Jerk. Today, we should be doing a Games WOD from 2011, but it’s tough.  Looking back, that was a transitional year.  The programming got more creative and both CrossFit and Rogue realized they could build interesting and dynamic structures to make the workouts more entertaining and challeging.  The Killer Kage, Dog Sled pushes and pulls, basically Murph on the beach with an...
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