
We have posted a few new upcoming events on the Facebook…check them out! Clean Up the Stan! is coming up Labor Day weekend – CFO Coaches will meet people (down by the river!) at the Orange Blossom Recreational Area with a small boat in tow to collect garbage and other items we find throughout our float. Last big float of the summer…before the start of the Whole Life Challenge! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, adiposity Week 2 of 4 Back Squat, # dosage 4 sets of 10 Starting weight was 50-60% of 1RM.  Add weight if you are really comfortable, purchase but I started at 225, and I’m cool.  Keep breaks short, to 90 seconds.  Additionally, keep tempo smooth and quick, 2 count on the way down, explode on the way up, with little rest at the top of the Squat.  By doing this, you are developing both Squatting power...
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On September 19th, check CrossFit Oakdale is proud to host “Lift Up Autism.”  We hosted for this fundraiser 2 years ago, hospital and it was a great time, help for a great cause: autism research.  “Lift Up Autism” was formerly called “Lift Up Luke” and was the brain child of CrossFit OG Josh Everett.  Josh may be the only guy you never heard of the stood on the CrossFit Games podium twice. Lift Up is a super fun WOD that is easily scalable to nearly any fitness level.  Invite your friends and come out to CFO on 9/19.  Lift Up is AMRAP 5: 4 Power Cleans 155/100, 24 Doubleunders, 10 Pullups.  It’s a grip smoker for sure! Workout of the Day 40-30-20-10 rep rounds of Alternating Pistol Kettlebell Swings 53/35 Box Jumps 24/20
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September 19th is the first day of the Whole Life Challenge. If you missed the meeting, buy go to the Whole Life Website for more in depth information. There is a sign up list on the front desk. Alison will be emailing out information this week regarding the online sign up. Also, web you can text @2015ewlb to 81010 to get on the reminder list for the challenge. If you haven’t gotten on the CFO reminder list text @cfoakdale to 81010 for that. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 2 of 4 Shoulder Press, 4 sets of 10 Starting weight was 50-60% of 1RM.  Some starting spots were 55-65# for ladies, or 95-115# for guys.  If you begin to fail reps, it is ok to Push Press the last couple of reps. If you are push pressing more than 4 reps at any given set, the weight is too heavy,...
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By Tricia Wessling   How were you introduced to CFO? When did you realize CrossFit was for you? I found CFO through a Google search of places around the area. I drove to them all to check them out … I had never seen a Crossfit box before. I had just moved here from Ontario, Canada, where I had done it a few times and I really loved the dynamics, movements and variety. It was a few months later that I signed up at CFO and convinced my hubby to sign up to. I always new Crossfit would be for me. I love the physical challenges … burpees and double-unders and box jumping and running and squats and clean-and-jerks and toes-to-bar and everything else that gets thrown at us.   What is your first impression ? Love at first WOD.    What do you like best about going to CrossFit...
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We will begin week 2 of our strength progressions.  Instead of adding weight, pilule we will be adding a set.  We will be adding work, approved and trying to keep the rest low, so be prepared to move well and quickly. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 2 of 4 Deadlift 4 sets of 10 Some starting points were bodyweight or 50%-60% of 1RM.  You may add weight this week, but keep the rest short – in the 90 second range.  This is best done with a partner, loading and resting to warm up, then performing in a “you go, I go” manner until all reps and sets are complete. Conditioning “50 Nifty” 50 Burpees to Touch 50 Chest to Bar Pullups This is the same WOD as 2 weeks ago, except flipped.
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