
Would you rather have done max effort deadlifts and a double under power clean wod…aka “Forearms from Hell” OR 200 burpees on two horse stall mats in a garage? Post thoughts to comments on Facebook.   Workout of the Day Strength For Max Reps: Shoulder Press Once you fail, ambulance push press until you begin jerking.Then you are done. Conditioning Fight Gone Bad Style  3 rounds for reps 1 minute Ring Dips 1 minute Wall Ball Shots 20/14 1 minute Box Jumps 24/20 1 minute Rest
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The strength protocol for the week is different than the 10’s that we have been doing. Instead of doing 5 sets of 10, visit web you will take your weight and do it as many times as possible. If you can get 20, buy information pills great but you can go beyond that. Your goal is to do as many possible reps beyond that with perfect form and tempo. In almost every instance this should be a struggle. We will deadlift on Tuesday, press on Wednesday and squat on Friday. Friday evening is the Kickoff party for the Whole Life Challenge. We will be doing measurements and the baseline WOD. That will be announced on Thursday evening. Don’t forget to bring some noncompliant food to share:)   Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift Max Effort Set – use three’s or five’s to get to your target weight. Make sure you...
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For Labor Day, ed we will only have one workout at 9am.  This week, pilule we will Deadlift Tuesday, dosage Press Wednesday, and Squat Friday.  More on the rep scheme tomorrow. Workout of the Day “Rene” 7RFT 400m run 21 Walking Lunge Steps 15 Pullups 9 Burpees
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CrossFit at 9am and 10am tomorrow. On Sunday at 10am, order meet us at Orange Blossom to float and clean up the Stanislaus River.  You will need to bring a device to float down the river, # something to protect yourself from the sun, # food and drink.  We plan on heading all the way to the bridge at Costless, so we want to shove off by 10:15am on Sunday. Workout of the Day Open 13.4 AMRAP 7 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 rep rounds of Clean and Jerks 135/95 Toes to Bar At 10am, we will add another WOD after a short rest AMRAP 9 9 KBS 53/35 9 Box Jumps 9 KBS 53/35 9 Burpees This one comes from Ben Bergeron
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Fall t-shirt order Left side are ladies and right side are men’s. Men’s long sleeve are regular length. Preorders will be $22 and then after will go up to $25.95. If you want a different color let me know! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, approved Week 3 of 4 Back Squat 5 sets of 10 90 Seconds rest between sets.  50-60% of 1RM is a good idea, this site but if you have a weight you have been using, keep at it.  Keep the tempo quick between reps. Conditioning Alternating Tabata 8 Rounds for reps or lowest score Medicine Ball Clean – 20 seconds Rest/Transition – 10 Seconds Pullups – 20 Seconds Rest/Transition
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