
I talk about positioning in Doubleunders ALL THE TIME.  Stand tall, website like this use your wrists.  I really like the wrists below your elbows cue.  If you are a creeper, information pills meaning your hands creep above your elbows, be aware.  Stop creeping. Workout of the Day 3 RFT 100 Doubleunders 15 Clean and Jerks 135/95 Sub for DU is 200 singles.
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The strength/plan for the week: Mon – DL/Front Squat Tues – Doubleunder Clean and Jerk Couplet Wed – Snatch work Thurs – Hero WOD “Rahoi” Fri – Clean and Jerk work On November 21, # 40mg CrossFit Walnut Creek is holding a Row-A-Thon for Ericlee Gilmore.  Ericlee was a friend of CFO that died last year after a short but valiant battle with cancer.  CFO won this event last year, and it’s a good time: you’re done early and there are great places to within walking distance of your rower. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 4 of 4 Deadlift, 3 sets of 6 These Deadlifts are from a DEFICIT, meaning you will be standing on a 45# plate as you pull the bar off the ground.  This will help create much more pulling power off the ground, and it will emphasize near perfect starting position, keeping a flat back,...
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CrossFit at 9am and 10am. Workout of the Day “Double Death” On the minute 1 Power Snatch in the first minute 2 Power Snatch in the second minute 3 Power Snatch in the third minute… Continue until you cannot complete the required work in the minute.  As soon a you fail, visit this begin On the minute 1 Power Clean in the first minute 2 Power Clean in the second minute 3 Power Clean in the third minute… Continue until you cannot complete the required work in the minute. Men – 155, thumb Ladies – 100 At 10am, we may Snatch heavy for a bit first.  I would also like to get in a Doubleunder/T2B OTM.
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Chilly Season is coming (from what I hear, order I don’t totally believe it). So if you had an option on a new CFO sweatshirt, what would you go for? A. Zip Up Hoodie B. Pullover Hoodie C. Pullover loose neck (Ladies) AND colors… grey? or royal blue? something wild? Post to comments. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 4 4 Heavy sets of 2 Power Cleans 2 Hang Cleans 2 Jerks Take 10 minutes or so to get warm, then work 4 heavy sets of this complex.  For the Hang Clean, squat or power is fine.  For the Jerks, Split or Push is fine.  The goal is to complete this complex as an unbroken set, but if you drop, just quickly pick it up and go again.  60% is a good starting point.  If it’s sloppy, lower the weight.  If you were happy with the weight last week,...
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New t-shirts are in stock- and they are SO COOL!  Long sleeve for the gents and long and short sleeve for the ladies. There is also a limited supply of a short sleeve royal blue t-shirt. If you preordered, ampoule they will be sorted and ready to wear tomorrow afternoon.  Workout of the Day Death by Pullup* – 12 minute cap Sub Kettlebell Swings for pullups Followed immediately by: Death By Burpees – 15 minute cap Followed immediately by : Death by 10m(every minute)
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