Week of October 19

The strength/plan for the week:

Mon – DL/Front Squat

Tues – Doubleunder Clean and Jerk Couplet

Wed – Snatch work

Thurs – Hero WOD “Rahoi”

Fri – Clean and Jerk work

On November 21, # 40mg CrossFit Walnut Creek is holding a Row-A-Thon for Ericlee Gilmore.  Ericlee was a friend of CFO that died last year after a short but valiant battle with cancer.  CFO won this event last year, and it’s a good time: you’re done early and there are great places to within walking distance of your rower.


Workout of the Day

Strength/Skill, Week 4 of 4

Deadlift, 3 sets of 6

These Deadlifts are from a DEFICIT, meaning you will be standing on a 45# plate as you pull the bar off the ground.  This will help create much more pulling power off the ground, and it will emphasize near perfect starting position, keeping a flat back, with your butt down and your chest up.  This week we will go up by 5-10#.

Pause Front Squat, 5 sets of 2

For pause on the first squat, it’s a 5 second count.  For the second squat, it’s a 3 second pause.  Keep the weight manageable, approximately 50-60% of 1RM or add weight you to what you used last week.  This is week 4 of 4, so go for it.



10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35

12 Wallball Shots 20/14