
As I told the 5:30pm class if you have signed up for the LiftOff you will be doing it on Friday. I also said if you have not signed up for the LiftOff you will be doing it on Friday. Those not registered to compete will still be doing the WOD, pill scaling to your ability.  That being said – We will also be doing that on Saturday. Judges, dosage scorecards, cheap the whole shebang (spelling is correct…I “something-ed” it for those Arrested Development Fans.) There will be another option for a WOD on Saturday if you show up both days. If you haven’t been a part of the BUZZ of the Open, this will be a fun time for you.  If you are competing, you must be weighed 3 times and your heaviest weight will set your weight class. You may be weighed before or after each event.   ...
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 I am just going to leave this link HERE. You can look. You can not look. It is safe for work just in case you are on the job.  Workout of the Day AMRAP 20  5 Chest to Bar Pullups 10 Push Press 95/65 On Odd Rounds: 1, # 3, order 5, etc. 15 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 On Even Rounds: 2, 4, 6, etc. 15 Box Jumps 24/20  
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Below are the Movements and Weights for the Franniversary Gauntlet.  Like last year, symptoms a team of any mix – guy/guy, dosage girl/girl, order guy/girl – will complete 4 versions of the “Girls” WOD back to back to back to back, partner style.  Only 1 partner works at a time.  You may split up the work any way you choose.  There is no minimum requirement for work, for example one athlete can do all the doubleunders on “Kicking Annie.”  In fact, they could do all the doubleunders AND the Toes to Bar. There will be 2 Divisions – Heavyweight and Intercontinental.  No – THESE ARE NOT WEIGHT CLASSES!!!  With the number of great athletes out there, I am loathe to use the term “scaled.”  Think of our classes as the divisions in the WWE.  Bret Hart, The Rock, The Ultimate Warrior and Stone Cold Steve Austin were all incredible Intercontinental...
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If you haven’t had the chance to sign up yet for the Lift Off – GET ON IT! We will be doing it just like the Open. If you can’t make it on Saturday, this web we will be doing it on Friday throughout the day. Your opening weight for the max effort snatch and clean and jerk should be around 80%. I would be prepared for a very small window for each lift – maybe somewhere around 5 minutes. We will know more on Thursday at 5pm. You can register and find out more HERE. Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 100 Yard Shuttle Sprint (Down and Back, Down and Back to the door of Double D’s) 6 Squat Cleans 135/95 6 Handstand Pushups Sub 2 Wall Climbs for 6 HSPU
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This will be a transition/de-load week in preparation of the CrossFit Lift Off.  The goal is to hit our best possible Snatch and Clean and Jerk on Saturday.  That means being smart this week, cure and keeping the body ready, but not overly taxing the Central Nervous System. Monday we will hit the Clean Grip Deadlift to hammer home the perfect set up position and keeping the bar close. Wednesday will be a Snatch day, accompanied by a Snatch WOD. Tuesday and Thursday will conditioning WODs. We have at least 1 team for the Row-a-Thon in Walnut Creek on Nov 21 (Alison, Sara, Thomas and I).  Each team needs 2 guys and 2 girls.  Come on and pull for Ericlee! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Clean Grip Deficit Deadlift 5 sets of 2 Use 60-70% of your Clean Conditioning 10 Doubleunders 5 Toes to Bar 20 Doubleunders 10 Toes to...
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