Below are the Movements and Weights for the Franniversary Gauntlet. Like last year, symptoms a team of any mix – guy/guy, dosage girl/girl, order guy/girl – will complete 4 versions of the “Girls” WOD back to back to back to back, partner style. Only 1 partner works at a time. You may split up the work any way you choose. There is no minimum requirement for work, for example one athlete can do all the doubleunders on “Kicking Annie.” In fact, they could do all the doubleunders AND the Toes to Bar.
There will be 2 Divisions – Heavyweight and Intercontinental. No – THESE ARE NOT WEIGHT CLASSES!!! With the number of great athletes out there, I am loathe to use the term “scaled.” Think of our classes as the divisions in the WWE. Bret Hart, The Rock, The Ultimate Warrior and Stone Cold Steve Austin were all incredible Intercontinental Champions. If this doesn’t make sense to you, ask someone that has watched professional wrestling or a 10 year old. Heavyweight is for those of you that are used to RX’ing most WODs and have completed the Open. The Intercontinental Division is for up and comers, Master’s athletes (although many Master’s will do fine in the Heavyweight Division) and any one else that is ready to compete.
We are still working out rep schemes and time domains, but this should give you a solid idea of what is ahead.
All teams will complete the Gauntlet and a 5th workout that will be a version of the Hero WOD “Rahoi.”
The top 5 teams in each division will move onto a Final event. If you are in the Heavyweight Division and you believe you may make the finals, you should be prepared to do Muscle Ups.
The Movements and Weights for the Franniversary Gauntlet will be:
“Pushing Lizzie”
Hand Release Pushups and Cleans, Any Style, 135/83 Heavyweight, 95/65 Intercontinental
“Kicking Annie”
Doubleunders and Toes to Bar Heavyweight, Doubleunders and Hanging Knees Ups Intercontinental (Same movement as Open 15.1)
Snatch, Any Style, 135/83 Heavyweight, 95/65 Intercontinental
“Plain ‘Ol Fran”
Thrusters 95/65 and Pullups for Heavyweight, Thrusters 75/55 and Kettlebell Swings to 12:00 (KB directly overhead with bottoms up, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles fully extended) 53/35 for Intercontinental

Workout of the Day
Build to a heavy single in 12 minutes. Think about working to your opening lift for the Lift Off. I would minimize any misses here. If you miss, lower the weight and nail make-able, but relatively heavy lifts. Think about the 80% range.
8 Rounds, for Reps
Squat Snatch 135/95 for 20 Seconds
Rest for 40 Seconds
Burpee to 6″ Touch for 20 Seconds
Rest for 40 Seconds
This is only 20 seconds of Burpees. With all the built in rest, these should be done at a pace similar to if Freddy Kreuger was chasing you in a creepy boiler room in a dream. If you don’t understand this reference, you should probably be in the teen class.