In the coming weeks, # in order to get prepared for the CrossFit Games Open (yes, pill it’s coming) and to expand our fitness, I am am going to make a better attempt at working Muscleups into WODs. On Pullup or Toe to Bar WODs, I may present a Muscle Up substitute. For example, Muscleup Fran may be 21-15-9 Thrusters, whilst the Muscleups are 9-7-5. So 21 Thruster, 9 MU, 15 Thruster, 7 MU…Well, gee whiz, that sounds like a pretty good WOD. Now, Muscleups are fun and great at parties, but the metabolic demand is different than Pullups and Dips. This is especially true when those movements are done in high reps. Unless you are a Muscleup ninja, you will likely be spending a lot of time staring at the rings. That means intensity is taking a hit. This is a constant tradeoff – you just need to ask...
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