We’re sticking with the same plan fron last week. Snatch on Monday, visit this site DL/FS on Tuesday, information pills conditioning WOD on Wednesday, Back Squat on Thursday, Clean and Jerk on Friday. We have the Christmas Party on Saturday night. If you are behind on your shopping like I am, don’t let those crazy stores stress you out. 5 Hacks to Avoid a Holiday Induced Shopping Meltdown from Headspace. Yes, I still do Headspace everyday, but I won’t bother you about it too much. This is a nice reminder for shopping, crowds or mind set in traffic. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 4 of 6 Snatch 2 Snatch OTM for 7 minutes Take 10 minus to warm up to a working weight. If you are comfortable, add 5-10# to your last effort. Conditioning AMRAP 8 1 Overhead Squat 95/65 1 Kettlebell Swing 53/35 2 Overhead Squats 2 Kettlebell Swings…...
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