I gotta be honest, check when 16.5 was announced, seek I wasn’t impressed. Yes, it was a repeat, and it was a first in that we repeated movements for the first time in an Open. That, coupled with being a big fan of push/pull or pull/push workouts made me a little meh, as it’s push/push. Finally, it’s not technically difficult, literally anyone can do it, and the only thing that separates athletes is desire or will. And on that note, I realized it a perfect way to end the Open. Not on an elegant mix of ring muscle ups and Squat Snatches, or pistols, or some display of grace and beauty in movement, but sheer will and grunt work. Instead of staring at the bar, wondering if you will get your first muscle up, chest to bar pullup, or whatever amazing feat of strength and skill you were able to pull...
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