
In 2014 CrossFit brought “Double Grace” to the Games. We are bringing it again to you! We did it on August 30, approved 2014 so check your binders. If you haven’t completed “Grace” before, view we can scale this WOD by completing the 30 reps for time, resting 2 minutes and then continuing for the rest of the time (10 min cap) performing as many Clean & Jerks as possible (no more than a total of 60 reps.) Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Handstand work OTM for 5 Perform a Handstand walk, Hold or Wall Climb into hold for 20 seconds.  Rest the remainder of the minute. Conditioning For Time with a 10 minute cap “Double Grace” 60 Clean & Jerks 135/95
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Great work on the Muscle Ups!  I have spent years avoiding putting these in workouts regularly.  I was wrong!  That rarely happens, medications so enjoy it.  Use the subs, medical the simplest, easiest one possible until you are ready to move up.   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, The Cube, Week 2 of 9 Deadlift 5 sets of 2, 80% of 1RM Conditioning 3 RFT 21-15-9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55 Box Jump 24/20 15 minute cap That is 3 rounds, so you do 21 of each, then 15 of each.  When you complete the round of 9, you start again at 21 (your second round), then 15, then 9, then you begin your third and final round.  That’s 270 reps total, 135 of each movement.  If you complete it in the time cap, record your time.  If you run into the cap, give the number of reps completed.
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The third workout of the CrossFit Games Open feature Muscle Ups.  They were on the bar this year, medicine adding a nuance to the movement that we have not seen yet.  We have generally only worked on the muscle ups for athletes that are interested in developing the skill.  That usually means you can do 5 Pullups and 5 Dips.  This is no small feat to develop these skills. We develop the Pullup and Dip not only by working the movement, but by pulling and pushing barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, sleds, rowing handles, the floor, balls, whatever…  In the coming weeks and months, I want to attack the transition of the Muscle Up just like we work everything else, by breaking it down it the most basic, simple parts and building it back up. How?  Well, it recommend starting with what I call the 80 year old Grandmother Muscle Up.  Meaning,...
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Week 2 of the Cube coming up.  The numbers are the same this week – the reps move around.  It will be explosive work on the Bench (Monday), information pills Heavy work on the Deadlift (Wednesday) and Rep work on the Squat (Friday). On Tuesday, sildenafil we will practice the Snatch auxiliary drill, # buy the Snatch Balance.  There will be an urge to go as heavy as you can – which may be ok.  But you will want to ensure your are moving perfectly before you make some big attempts.   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, The Cube Week 2 Bench Press 3 sets of 8, 60% of 1RM Conditioning AMRAP 12 12 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 9 Burpees 21 Doubleunders
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Saturday morning we will be doing the Hero WOD “Kawika”.  All movements can and will be scaled as necessary. Join us for a grinder – because you are here and you can.    Workout of the Day AMRAP 20:07 5 Handstand Pushups 11 Bar Facing Burpees 80 Double Unders 18 Ground to Overhead 135/95 4 Bar Muscle Ups or Chest to Bar Pullups 16 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 26 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
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