
The CrossFit Games Regionals have started and live coverage can be seen online at the Games Site.  The Pacific region is live right now if you are jonesing for some competition.  Here is a throwback to the 2011 Regionals. It was quite the soggy weekend. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill The Cube, website Phase 2, sickness Week 2 Back Squat 1 set of 8+, 75% of 1RM Conditioning 3RFT 21 Box Jumps 24/20 12 Thrusters 95/65 3 Muscle Ups
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  Thursday we will preform the CrossFit chipper known as the Filthy 50.  Below is my write up on the workout from 2013.  We will give a 40 minute cap.  That’s on the long end of a workout.  In the 1 hour class period, ed that only allows for a quick warm up, stuff a review of the movements, pharm maybe a super quick bathroom break and 3-2-1 go. The 50 is tough because it’s long.  There is nothing overly technical or heavy.  Fast athletes will finish in the 15-20 minute range.  Obviously, this can take longer than 20 minutes, so we will cap it at 40 minutes. For fit athletes, the 50 is all about pacing.  HINT – the secret of the 50 lies in the final piece.  The Wallball/Burpee combo at the end is…memorable.  You will hit those WB fatigued, and it will make the burpees feel like...
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By Alison In the time wasting department… I love checking out these new innovative products that are looking for funding…indiegogo, discount Kickstarter, remedy etc. There are some VERY interesting products out there. From KEVLAR iPhone chargers to personal wearable air purifiers, there are ideas out there on the brink of being the next hottest Christmas present. Does every idea need to come to fruition? I will be the first to admit I have backed a Kickstarter campaign that did get funded. I will (hopefully) be receiving my Backbone – and will straighten up my posture with constant reminders from my iPhone – in October. My mom lives all of the way across the country, which means I miss out on the “stand up straight” comments that I deserve. Necessity is the mother of all invention, but at what point are we creating more products to have more products? I came...
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As the weather gets warmer and definitely during the summer, pilule we see an influx of kids at the gym. Everyone is welcome, ask but we do need to be respectful of the other businesses in the complex. Towards the street there are water meters and fire alarms that have been played with and set off in the past. Please make sure the kids hang out towards our end of the parking lot if they are going to hang out there. Thanks in advance! Workout of the Day Minute 0-4: 15 Squat Cleans 135/85   Scaled 95/65  Masters SC. 65/45 Minute 4-8: 13 Squat Cleans 185/115 Scaled 115/75  Masters SC.  85/65 Minute 8-12: 11 Squat Cleans 225/145 Scaled 135/95  Masters SC.  105/75   Minute 12-16: 9 Squat Cleans 275/175  Scaled 155/115  Masters SC.  125/85   Minute 16-20: 7 Squat Cleans 315/205 Scaled 185/135  Masters SC.  145/105   We are banking the time – If...
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We’re proud to have a bunch of badass Mom’s among our ranks.  We hope you had a great day – now get ready to train! Week 2 of the Cube, # 40mg Phase 2.  Get some. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill The Cube, pharmacy Phase 2, adiposity Week 2 Bench Press, 3 sets of 8, 65% Conditioning AMRAP 15 20 Situps 3 DB/KB Push Press Left Hand 45/25 3 DB/KB Push Press Right Hand 45/25 3 Pullups Each round, the reps go up by 3, so next is 6/6/6, then 9/9/9, then 12/12/12, etc.  Situps stay the sam each round.  
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