July 5th marks my 10 year anniversary of CrossFit. I’ve told the story before, page but I spent the day of the 4th July, website like this 2006 at a Thomas the Train fair in (very) rural Pennsylvania. It was unbearably hot and humid, approved and I was 29 years old, with 2 kids and another on the way. I had been working in NYC, enjoying the food and libations the city had to offer. I had just done a work physical in May of that year, and my doctor warned that I had put on some weight, and if I didn’t take a look at my eating and lifestyle, I would probably be a portly fellow, gaining 5 pounds every year until I was the size of the stay-puft marshmallow man. Ok, the doctor didn’t say that, but it was an eye opener. Until that point, I was always...
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