
This is the third week of our current 6 week progression.  Monday is Clean and Jerk complex, buy Tuesday is Back Squat (5 sets of 3), more about Wednesday is a conditioning workout (Deadlift, side effects Toe to Bar and Bar Facing Burpee sprint), Thursday s Snatch work, Friday is Front Squat (followed by a Thruster/Pullup workout – it’s not Fran). Workout of the Day 1 Clean, 1 Push Press, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Split Jerk We started last week at 60% of 1RM.  If you did this last week, you may add 5-10 pounds.  If not, use 60% of you Clean and Jerk. Conditioning 6 KB Snatch Right Hand 53/35 6 KB Snatch Left Hand 48 Doubleunders 12 KB Snatch Right Hand 12 KB Snatch Left Hand 48 Doubleunders 24 KB Snatch Right Hand 24 KB Snatch Left Hand 48 Doubleunders If you aren’t confident with the KB Snatch, try 1 handed...
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9 am tomorrow will be our Swim WOD at the Oakdale High School. 739 W G St, buy Oakdale, dosage CA 95361   Come and join us for some fun. Wear comfortable appropriate attire – swimsuit, shorts, etc. We will have bottled water available for you. Alison has perfected the doggy paddle – meaning you don’t need a ton of swim experience.   See you then!
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Regional Performance: Bro Reps, adiposity Poor Preparation and the Perennials. Another piece by Doug Chapman Doug is a coach to many Games and Regional athletes.  But although his focus is on the CrossFit as a sport, story his message, order while being very critical, applies to every athlete.  Are you doing things to the best of your ability?  Do you cut corners?  Are you doing this consciously? Now, before you go getting all mad, and thinking I am pointing a finger at you for missing full extension on an air squat – I am not.  By Mr. Chapman’s description, I am was, at best, a Perennial and Uncoachable athlete.  I was an Open hero, but I relied on workouts that suited my abilities at higher level competitions rather than being good (or great as is needed now) at everything.  I had some good Regional performances and some shitty Regional performances. ...
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The Story of Five Frans by Doug Chapman (Julie Foucher’s coach).  There are so many ideas in this essay, page it will take awhile to chew on it all.  Workout of the Day Strength Front Squat Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy single – go by feel, healing keeping good positioning. If it feels good go for it, information pills but it isn’t a ton of time. Conditioning AMRAP 7 1 Chest to Bar Pullup 1 Ring Dip/Ring Push Up 1 Pistol Next round reps are 2/2/2, then 3/3/3, then 4/4/4…how high can you climb the gymnastics ladder???
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July 5th marks my 10 year anniversary of CrossFit.  I’ve told the story before, page but I spent the day of the 4th July, website like this 2006 at a Thomas the Train fair in (very) rural Pennsylvania.  It was unbearably hot and humid, approved and I was 29 years old, with 2 kids and another on the way.  I had been working in NYC, enjoying the food and libations the city had to offer.  I had just done a work physical in May of that year, and my doctor warned that I had put on some weight, and if I didn’t take a look at my eating and lifestyle, I would probably be a portly fellow, gaining 5 pounds every year until I was the size of the stay-puft marshmallow man.  Ok, the doctor didn’t say that, but it was an eye opener.  Until that point, I was always...
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