
The Pause Snatch, health like the Clean, doctor is a drill to keep the bar close. The No Hook, dosage No Foot trains triple extension and if you do it well, it should train pulling your body under the bar. You can hang on to the bar between lifts or you can do a single, drop, reset quickly and then no hook, no foot. Have fun! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Pause Snatch, No Hook, No Foot Snatch Perform 5 sets of the complex.  Rest 2 minutes between each set. Conditioning 4 Rounds, for Reps (FGB Style) 1 minute rounds of Row for Calories Doubleunders Snatch 135/85 Rest 1 minute after each round
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New names on the board and new faces around the gym! If you see someone you don’t know, website introduce yourself! If you have a friend who has been asking you about CrossFit, hospital bring them in with you. We are offering a free week of CrossFit for all new members. If you have any questions, ask Alison:) Workout of the Day Strength Pause Back Squat  5 Sets of 2 @ 60-65% of your 1RM. We will be pausing for 3 chimichangas before coming up. Conditioning AMRAP 15 5 Thrusters Left Arm 45/35 Dumbbell 5 Thrusters Right Arm 45/35 Dumbbell 10 Toes to Bar Parking Lot Run
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Why Napping Can’t Replace a Good Night’s Rest and Stonewall Jackson Takes a Nap, decease both from the Atlantic. Last week, ambulance I had a pre-planned early morning work thing.  We had a meeting at 4:45am, information pills and I know about 50 folks had a meeting a pre-meeting meeting at 3:30am.  Some folks had to drive a distance to attend this meeting – which probably meant some folks woke up in the 2s. Personally, I worked with someone that day that drove in from the Bay area.  She had about an hour of sleep before the work thing, and by about 7:30am, she didn’t give a f$%k about what happened, as long as it got over soon.  I really couldn’t blame her – being asked to perform on 1 hour of sleep is not the business. I got home and took a solid 2 hour nap.  I’m sure you...
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This week we will begin a 4 week mini cycle.  We will continue to focus on the Snatch Balance/OHS and the Back Squat.  We will work complexes for the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. The Clean and Jerk will be a beefier version of the complex we just did.  The Snatch will focus on a Pause and a No Hook, sick No Foot Snatch.  More on that this week. Clean and Jerk on Monday.  At the request of some CFO athletes, erectile we will do our big conditioning workout on Tuesday.  Back Squat on Wednesday, Snatch on Thursday and Snatch Balance and Overhead Squat on Friday. For the pause work, the goal is to teach you how to keep the bar close.  Break from the ground, and pause for a 2 count at or just below the knee.  Then just Clean the barbell as you normally would. For the...
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Get ready for some Games Action…9AM and Advanced at 10AM Workout of the Day 10 rounds for time of: 12 deadlifts (155 / 105 lb.) 9 hang power cleans (155 / 105 lb.) 6 push jerks (155 / 105 lb.) Time cap: 25 minutes
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