****REMINDER****WOD&WINE is rescheduled to a later date in the fall**** I have tweaked the Snatch complex slightly. For the first lift, more about the Pause Snatch, perform this from the ground. For the second lift, the No Hook No Foot Snatch, perform this from the hang. Also, you may drop the bar to the ground as long as you quickly reset, pick the bar up into a hanging, No Hook, No Foot, position and perform your second lift. Another note on the No Hook, No Foot. If you are relatively new to Snatching, this may not be a helpful lift. If you are still trying to connect your mind to the task at hand – moving the bar from the ground to an overhead position in a beautiful, efficient pull – taking your feet out of the equation may not be needed. Just perform a Hang Snatch. If I had...
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