
11:30am Whole Life Challenge KickOff Party! 9am will be a partner WOD AMRAP 5 Row for Calories Push Jerks 115/75 You can switch as many times as you want in 5 minutes. After this we will finish with the WLC WOD AMRAP 10 5 Burpees 15 Air Squats 10am will do the same with a buy-in of: OTM  Pullups Dips    
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A reminder the Whole Life Challenge workout is Saturday at 11:30am.  Kickoff the WLC with a kick-ass burner. I do not want to get into anymore car accidents or have any more surgery, search but the generosity from CFO has me thinking it might be worth it.  Just kidding. My fridge is full of all kinds of goodies and folks have made us feel so much love.  We know we are lucky.  You guys keep reminding us.  The least I can do to repay you is make you throw up from exercising so hard. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch In 20 minutes, cheap build to a heavy single. Conditioning 30 Snatch 75/55 60 Bar Facing Burpees 30 Snatch 75/55
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I’ve had the opportunity to participate in some incredible training in my life: CrossFit, drugs wrestling, what is ed law enforcement, pill military, aside from all my school learning – but honestly, a BA in History?  No that impressive.  It’s rare that you get to go to training, that when it’s going on, you are saying, this is an incredible opportunity.  That happened to me back in 2005, when I attended an evasive driving school geared for military and law enforcement personal assigned overseas.  The crux of the training was how to get out of situations in a car, by speeding, swerving, crashing, whatever to get away.  It was Jason Bourne stuff. The training took place at BSR in West Virginia.  What learned boiled down to some basics – how to brake and how “see” the road.  Braking involved applying pressure until your wheel locked up, then peeling back toes...
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So, treat it’s been a busy couple of days for our family.  We are all home now and looking forward to some active recovery with Netflix (Narcos Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell).  In the past couple of days we have dealt with first responders, emergency rooms and surgery and everything else in between.  We have all been handled so professionally, but I know I speak for Alison when I say we are glad that is all over and we are glad to be home. I’m not sure we can ever properly say thank you for all the kind words and deeds over the last few days.  Our family and friends at CFO have gone above and beyond over and over again.  We may need to lean on you for a few more days, but like MacArthur said – we shall return! Workout of the Day Clean and Jerk In 25...
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I know Brian will have something to say, patient but I am going first. Mainly because I have the laptop and am the most lucid.  First things first. Go hug the person who is the closest to you. That you know or even if you don’t them. Make sure you are loving on those that your world would be rocked without.  Second: WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS AND STAY OFF OF YOUR PHONES when driving. When I look at Jack right now I see clearly the seatbelt road rash that cut into him. I see that and the smiley face that I am pretty sure is figuring out how to buy 20 more Rubik’s cubes that are his new obsession. Just to clarify, no phones were used and all seatbelts were worn in the accident this Saturday night that rocked my world. Brian should be out of the hospital tomorrow and shiny...
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