
Thursday’s workout come from CrossFit Linchpin.  I guess I have been gravitating to Pat Sherwood’s workouts a lot recently.  That’s for good reason – simple CrossFit works, # buy constantly varied.  When Pat recognizes a simple workout that gets the job done, # buy he calls it “brutally elegant.”  I would say Thursday’s is probably going to fit that bill. Workout of the Day 27-21-15-9 Clean and Jerk 95/65 Wallball Shot 20/14
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We’re going to try a little bit of a different.  We’ll do a little bit of power lifting, prostate but with a daily short window.  You will have 15 minutes to establish a heavy set of 5, healing first on the Back Squat, advice then on the Bench Press.  Next week, we will do this drill but we will switch out the Bench for Shoulder Press. Using work and rest, I would guess you will get 4 to 5 sets.  Build on each set to your target weight. For some target numbers, 1.5 bodyweight (BW) for men, BW for women is a good target for the Squat.  For the bench, BW for men, .75 BW for women is a pretty good starting point/goal. For the Pull/Push OTM, you will need to find your best options.  Bodyweight rows may be a good sub for Pullups.  So may hanging from the bar...
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After all the weightlifting in the past months, capsule it should be fun to get back into some gymnastical movement.  And yes, sickness I know gymnastical is not a word.  For the next several weeks, link we will work on our handstand positions using a 10 minute on the minute session.  You will have 6 options, from relatively advance to beginner.  The goal is to get everyone upside down and walking around on their hands.  This may not seem possible now, but with some weekly practice, and working the progressions, you will be surprised how easily your strength will carry over. First is the HS walk.  Pretty simple.  Walk on your hands as far as you can in 20 seconds. Second is a HS hold with some movement.  You may kick up into a free HS a few steps from the wall and attempt to walk into the wall and...
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We just spent the last 12 weeks, physician and a Cube session before that, doing a ton of barbell strength work.  We’ll spend the next few weeks working on some gymnastic skills, getting better at gymnastic pulling and pressing. Last year, we used a system I called “Milo.”  It was a simple barbell complex done on the minute.  This time, Milo will be a little more CrossFit-y with the barbell.  It will be 3 Hang Squat Clean into 2 Push Press.  On Monday, get comfortable with this.  Work this complex to a heavy set.  Next week, you should pick a smart weight, as we will perform this complex OTM for 10.  The next week, I recommend a 5 pound jump. Later in the week we will do a Strict Pull Up/Dip OTM that we have done before and a Handstand OTM that we have done before. Finally, we will add...
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9am and 10am (advanced) Workout of the Day For Time 25′ Hand Stand Walk* 100 Double Unders 25′ Hand Stand Walk 50 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 25′ Hand Stand Walk 50 Chest To Bar Pullups 25′ Hand Stand Walk 50 Wall Ball Shots 25′ Hand Stand Walk 100 Double Unders 25′ Hand Stand Walk *Step and Kick Up or Bear Crawl Substitution  
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