
On Accessory Work We are 3 weeks into our accessory work track. In an effort to not forget that it’s there, I am going to post it every day until the work changes. Remember, you will need to switch from the ‘workout of the day’ tab on the top of the Sugarwod drop down box to the accessory work track. Week 9 will be a little different for the squatting. On Monday, for your 6’s use the same weight you used on week 7 day 1 – June 7th. On your second set of 6, you will do 6+, meaning if you can get to 10, get to 10. If you can’t, that is fine. On Friday we will do 5’s and the weight will stay the same as week 7 Day 2, June 11. For that, focus on squatting FASTER. Big thanks to Austin T, Brad C., Brooke, Scott,...
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It’s a snatch workout. It is a version of the semifinals WOD #4 – the weights are recommended by CrossFit, and I think they will work for our population. If you can’t do the weight, it is easily scalable. We will be testing a competition WOD on Sunday, Father’s Day, if you are interested. Open Gym is from 10am-12pm. Bring your Dad:) Workout of the Day With a 10 minute clock10 Snatch 115/75Rest 1 minute10 Snatch 135/85Rest 1 minute10 Snatch 165/95Rest 1 minuteAs many snatch as possible 195/105 At 10 am Before5 rounds not for time1-3 BMU5 GHD
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Unsure of RX or Scaled? Well, here are the movements for the upcoming competition in August. Remember : it is a three person team, so you DON’T have to be able to do each movement perfectly. You maybe a gymnastics wizard, so find a strong person and a cardio athlete and baby, throw that in a pot you’ve got a TEAM going on! Workouts will be listed in the next few days at the Registration page. RX – Sled Push, Rope Climb (legs or no), HSPU, WBS 25/20, Deadlift 165/115, Devil’s Press 50/35, Burpee Box Jump Overs 30/24, Overhead Squat 135/95, Bar Muscle Ups, Running. Scaled – Sled Push, Cal row/Assault bike, Shoulder to Overhead 35/20, WBS 20/14, Deadlift 115/75, Devil’s Press 35/20, Burpee Box Jump Overs( may step) 24/20, Front Squat 95/65, Burpee Pull-ups , Running. Workout of the Day Pre-Strength Choose your own adventure EMOM 8/AMRAP8 Air Squats6...
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Open Gym this Sunday from 10am -12pm. Then go celebrate your fathers! Chest to Bar Pull-ups by Scott Workout of the Day “Jump ‘n’ Row” 8 Rounds for Calories (8- 3 minute rounds)Odd Rounds:In 90 seconds:6 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20Then as many calories on the Rower or Assault Bike in remaining timeRest 90 secondsEven Rounds:In 90 seconds:50 Double UndersThen as many calories on the Rower or Assault Bike in remaining timeRest 90 seconds Score will be amount of calories accrued.
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Please ALWAYS make sure you are hydrated and fueled when heading to the gym – even more so this week. Workout of the Day “Passing Lane” AMRAP 248 Chest to Bar Pullups10′ KB OH Walking Lunge 53/35 (lunge to wall)2 Wall Walks10′ KB OH Walking Lunge (lunge back to rig)Rest 1 minute
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