
I promise I am not trying to be confusing. Here is the longest workout I have ever described. Workout the day With a continuously running clock, do 1 pullup and 1 pushup in the first minute, 2 pullups and 2 pushups in the second minute, 3 and 3 in the 3rd and so on until you cannot complete the required work in a given minute.Once you time out, pick up with death by pullups one minute, and death by pushups the next, alternating pullups and pushups until you cannot complete the required work in a given minute. For example, you complete 12 full rounds, then do 13 pullups and 8 pushups – you are done – the next minute do 14 pullups (and only pullups). The next minute switch, and do 15 pushups (only pushups!) 16 pullups the next minute, 17 pushups the next and so on until you...
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Workout of the Day AMRAP 223 Deadlift 135/952 Hang Power Cleans1 Power Clean33 DoubleundersRest 30 seconds after each round
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Congratulations to everyone who PR’ed today! If you didn’t get there, we will see you at the bar on Friday! Workout of the Day 7 Rounds for Time7 Power Snatch 95/657 Toes to Bar7 Bar Facing Burpees21 minute cap
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This is our 12th and final week of the Ben Smith Squat Strong program. Over the last 22 sessions you have squatted heavier and heavier, building an outstanding base to go for some big lifts this week. You may have noticed that as the weights got heavier, we did less and less squats. The first 6-8 weeks were very high volume, and the last 4 weeks were heavier and heavier. If you’re like me, you noticed than as the volume was lowered, you needed too make bigger and bigger jumps. In my last session, I jumped 50-60 pounds in each lift. I never do that. But all the lifting has gotten us ready. All that being said – have plan as you go for PRs. For example, say your best squat is 195. Your warm up look something like 65-65-85-115-135-175…you are now in PR territory. I would shoot for 200...
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CrossFit at 9 and 10 Workout of the Day GGG Down by 3 15-12-9-6-3Handstand PushupChest to Bar PullupBurpee Box Jump and Over 24/20
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