Bingo has started!

Our Bingo Game is in full effect, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to see what is to come. Don’t forget to tag @crossfitoakdale and #cfobingo2020

If you haven’t gotten your card, $10 and ask a coach! They will take care of you.

There are spaces where you can give some love to each other…Brad C. wiped down equipment for a fellow athlete today and Brooke sent a 2 minute plank video with a cameo from Paige’s baby doll.

Thanks to Brooke for the testimonial!

“Crossfit Oakdale has changed my life for the better by providing me mental stability. Being able to release stress through working out is a must for me and Crossfit Oakdale allows me to do that. – Brooke H”

Keri deadlifting in Monday’s WOD

Workout of the Day


Back Squat

20 Rep Max – week 5 Go up 10/5 lbs


For Time

800m Run

60cal/45cal Row