Barbells for Boobs!

Wish these teams best of luck as we head down to CrossFit Parabellum for the Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser:
Breast Besties – Amie & Jess
Kelly’s Heroes – Bob & Michelle
Racks & Sacks – Denny & Karen
Beards & Boobs – Denny & Jill
Breast Boys – Jack & Bryce
We Stare Because We Care – Tim & Brad
Air BNB – Brian & Blake
“T & A” – Tricia & Alison
The Double D’s – Maegan & Austin
TBD – Brooke & Kourtney
Workout of the Day
4 Rounds for Time – Grab a Partner
10 Clean & Jerks 135/93
20 Pullups
RX+ 185/135 Chest to Bar Pullups
Scaled 95/63 Burpees