Back to the Brackets!!!

Back to our sports movie bracket.  Thank you for for voting on the board.
Rudy Ruddiger beats out Steve Prefontaine in a battle of 70s sports hero that no one really heard of until they made movies about them.
Rudy moves onto the Sweet 16.
The Cutters and cyclists of Breaking Away pull away from Seabiscuit.
In an upset, The Sandlot takes down and Oscar nominated film – Chariots of Fire.  The Sandlot has legs, and it’s cheeseball, baseball meets Stand By Me has become a modern classic, up there with a Christmas Story.
Bull Durham beats out Dodgeball.  These movies are strangely similar – charismatic, world weary leaders (Coster and Vaughn) showing a team of rejects how to win.  But I guess Nuke is a more fun character than any wannabe sports guy in Dodgeball.
So, in the Sweet 16, we will see Rudy battle Breaking Away and Bull Durham – a baseball classic for grownups – versus The Sandlot – a Baseball movie for kids.

Workout of the Day
3 Strict Pullups
3 Dips
1 Snatch
3 Overhead Squats
If your first Snatch is a Squat Snatch, you only have to do 2 more OHS.