Elementary School WOD 1
Rowing: The monitor on the rower must be set to zero at the beginning of each row. The athlete may have assistance resetting the monitor. The athlete must stay seated on the rower until the monitor reads the appropriate calories for that round.
After each row, there is a barbell complex – 18+ must be unbroken complex
Power Cleans – The barbell begins on the ground. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing. A muscle clean, power clean, squat clean or split clean may be used, as long as the barbell comes up to the shoulders, with the hips and knees fully extended with the feet in line and the elbows in front of the bar.
Hang Squat Cleans -The barbell begins above the knee. The athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below the knees. Receiving the barbell in the bottom of the squat is not required; a hang power clean or hang split clean followed by a front squat will be permitted. The rep is credited when the athlete’s hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar is resting on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar.
Thrusters This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead. If the bar was put down after the last hang squat clean, you may squat clean into a thruster for the first thruster. The hip crease must clearly pass below the top of the knees in the bottom position. If the barbell is dropped from overhead, it must settle on the ground before the athlete picks it up for the next repetition. The rep is credited when the barbell is locked out overhead, with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the athlete’s body.
WOD 2 Middle School
Alternating DB Snatch-The dumbbell snatch starts with the dumbbell on the ground and finishes with the dumbbell directly overhead. BOTH heads of the dumbbell must touch the ground. The dumbbell must be lifted overhead in one motion. Touch- and-go is permitted. Bouncing is not. Athletes must alternate arms after each repetition.The dumbbell hand switch must happen below the chin. The non-lifting hand and arm may not be in contact with the body during the repetition. If the athlete receives a no rep and has already switched hands, the athlete may proceed from where he or she is. The athlete does not need to return the dumbbell to the no-repped arm for the next repetition to count. Full extension of arms, hips and knees is required. Once the athlete has reached lockout, the repetition will count. The athlete may choose to do a muscle snatch, power snatch, squat snatch or split-style snatch. However, both feet must return and be in line under the athlete’s body while the dumbbell is locked out overhead for the repetition to count.
Clean & Jerks -The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing. The barbell must make contact with the shoulders, A shoulder press, push press, push jerk or split jerk may be used, as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar finishes directly over the body with the feet in line. If the jerk is missed but brought back to the front rack, the Athlete may re-attempt the jerk from there without taking the barbell back to the floor.
Hang DB Clean & Jerks (alternate every 5)– After the dumbbell is lifted off the floor, the athlete must pause with the dumbbell at the hang position, either at his or her side or between the legs. From there, the athlete may perform a muscle clean, power clean, squat clean or split clean, so long as the dumbbell comes up and makes contact with the shoulder before being lifted overhead. Once at the shoulder, the athlete may get the dumbbell overhead any way he or she chooses. Shoulder press, push press, push jerk and split jerk are all permitted. The non-working hand may not come into contact with the body or the dumbbell while the dumbbell is being lifted. Athletes may use two hands while lowering the dumbbell between reps. At the top, the arm, hips and knees must be fully locked out with the dumbbell clearly over the middle of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile. Once the athlete has reached lockout, the repetition will count. If a split jerk is performed, both feet must return and be in line under the athlete’s body while the dumbbell is locked out overhead. Each round, athletes must perform 5 repetitions on one arm, then switch and perform the next 5 with the other arm.
Snatch -The barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one motion. Power, squat and split snatches are all permitted, but in each instance the athlete’s feet must be brought back in line. This is not a ground-to-overhead any way. A clean and jerk is a no rep. Touch and go is permitted but deliberately bouncing the barbell is not. The bar can be dropped from overhead. If a barbell is dropped, the barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition.
WOD 3 High School
5 Burpee Box Jump & Over 20 inch The burpee box jump-over starts with the athlete facing the box while touching their chest and thighs to the ground, and finishes with the athlete jumping over the box. In the bottom position, to ensure the athlete remains perpendicular to the box on each rep, the center of the athlete’s chest must be on the line, and the feet and hands must be straddling the line.
There is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box. A two-foot takeoff is always required, and only the athlete’s feet may touch the box. The athlete may jump on top of the box using a two-foot landing and then jump or step off to the other side, or the athlete may jump completely over the box. If jumping over the box, the feet must go over the box, not around it, and the athlete must use a two-foot landing.
Each rep is counted when the athlete lands on the ground on the opposite side, where they may begin their next rep.
WOD 3 High School
Wallball Shot – Medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The rep is credited when the center of the ball hits the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep.
Burpee Box Jump & Over –The burpee box jump-over starts with the athlete facing the box while touching their chest and thighs to the ground, and finishes with the athlete jumping over the box. In the bottom position, to ensure the athlete remains perpendicular to the box on each rep, the center of the athlete’s chest must be on the line, and the feet and hands must be straddling the line. There is no requirement to stand tall while on top of the box. A two-foot takeoff is always required, and only the athlete’s feet may touch the box. The athlete may jump on top of the box using a two-foot landing and then jump or step off to the other side, or the athlete may jump completely over the box. If jumping over the box, the feet must go over the box, not around it, and the athlete must use a two-foot landing. Each rep is counted when the athlete lands on the ground on the opposite side, where they may begin their next rep.
Hanging Knee Raises– In the hanging knee-raise, the arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the heels must be brought back behind the bar. Overhand, underhand, or mixed grip are all permitted. The rep is credited when the knees are above the height of the hips.
Toes to Bar -The athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. At the start of each rep, the arms must be fully extended and the heels must be brought back behind the bar. Overhand, underhand, or mixed grip are all permitted. The rep is credited when both feet come into contact with the bar at the same time, between the hands. Any part of the feet may make contact with the bar.
Pullups – This is a standard chin-over-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are permitted as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom, with the athlete’s feet off the ground. The rep is credited when the chin breaks the horizontal plane of the bar.
Chest to Bar Pullups -This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed as long as all the require- ments are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom, with the athlete’s feet off the ground. The rep is credited when the chest clearly comes into contact with the bar below the collarbone.
Bar Muscleups -The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with the arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull- overs, rolls to support and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the height of the bar during the kip. The rep is credited when the arms are fully locked out while the athlete is in the support position above the bar with the shoulders over or in front of the bar. Athletes must pass through some portion of a dip-to-lockout over the bar. Only the hands and no other part of the arm may touch the pull-up bar to assist the athlete in completing the rep. Once on top, the hands must stay in contact with the bar, and athletes must maintain support with their arms. Removing the hands and resting while on top of the bar is not allowed.
Changes to Teenage WOD for 12-14 age range:
Elementary School:
12-14 year – Female:
Row 100m/100m/100m/100m/100m/100m
25# Barbell
12-14 year – Male:
Row 100m/100m/100m/100m/100m/100m
45# Barbell
Middle School WOD
12-14 year – Female:
12# Dumbbell 25# Barbell
12-14 year – Male:
20# Dumbbell 45# Barbell
Workout of the Day
Thrusters 95/65