
Intro by Coach Tricia WHO’S WHO at CFO- Grant Ardis and Rolando ‘Ro’ Avila A BIG shout out to their friend and Kelly A’s brother, pilule Mark! He introduced these to guys to CFO. We aren’t sure what happened to Mark but we have a feeling that he will make his way back to CFO...
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So, visit this I’m a CrossFit guy.  I’ve been doing for years, treat and I’ve probably forgotten more fitness related stuff that I’ve tried than I could shake a stick at.  I try nearly everything, # sale some stuff sticks, some doesn’t.  Whether it’s squat cycles, Paleo, Mobility with bands, or whatever, I’ve probably tried...
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One way we can get better and stronger is through recovery. Mobility and Fish Oil aren’t the only recovery tools. You have one of the most important ones right at your fingertips…well your head… your pillowcase? SLEEP. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, # 100mg Week 2 of 4 4 Heavy sets of 2 Power Cleans...
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We are into our 3rd week of the Whole Life Challenge.  Folks are doing great, visit and the last 2 challenges are different than week 1.  I guess forcing you to comment puts you “all in” to the community aspect of the challenge, discount while more sleep and consistent levels is just about the best...
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I changed up the sequence this week – Deadlift Monday, case Clean and Jerk Wednesday and Snatch on Friday. Tuesday’s WOD is Deadlift/HSPU – you will get to compare yourself to Rich Froning. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, # 60mg Week 2 of 4 Deadlift, 3 sets of 6 These Deadlifts are from a DEFICIT,...
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CrossFit at 9 and 10a Workout of the Day “NorCal WOD B” AMRAP 10 7 Thrusters 115/75 12 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 7 Chest to Bar Pullups This WOD comes from the NorCal CrossFit Games 2010 Sectional.  Louis and I did this little ditty in a sand pit in San Jose 5 years ago.  Good times!...
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Friday night , link at 7 pm, pills we will be having a “Save 2nd Base” event with a guest speaker regarding breast cancer awareness. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. There will be wine, erectile appetizers, and lots of raffle prizes. All raffle ticket money will go to a cancer charity. All raffle tickets...
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CrossFit has announced a cool event, approved the 2015 CrossFit Liftoff sponsored by Rogue.  The exact details of the way the event will be run has not been fully announced, here but it is a lifting event – Max Snatch and Clean and Jerk with a Conditioning WOD.  It appears your score will be pounds...
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    Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, information pills Week 1 of 4 Deadlift, order 3 sets of 6 These Deadlifts are from a DEFICIT, prostate meaning you will be standing on a 45# plate as you pull the bar off the ground.  This will help create much more pulling power off the ground, and...
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John L displays his winnings from this weekend.  These are fitness problems – when you get good at exercise, adiposity you win stuff, more about then you have to schlep it around. Tuesday’s WOD is a Hero and a Classic CrossFit triplet.  As far as I can remember, we have never done this one a...
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