And the movements are…

The moment you have all been waiting for… here are the movements! Remember we follow CrossFit Games standards. The price increases tomorrow, October 1st.

RX Pullups, Chest to Bar Pullups, Bar Muscle Ups Wall Ball Shots 40/25, MedBall Cleans 40/25, MedBall Clean into a WallBall Shot 40/25, Deadlifts 185/115, Cleans 185/115, Shoulder to Overhead 185/115

Teen RX Pullups, Chest to Bar Pullups, Bar Muscle Ups Wall Ball Shots 20/14, MedBall Cleans20/14, MedBall Clean into a WallBall Shot 20/14 Deadlifts 115/75, Cleans 115/75, Shoulder to Overhead 115/75

Scaled Kettlebell Swings35/26, Pullups, Burpees, Wall Ball Shots 20/14, MedBall Cleans20/14, MedBall Clean into a WallBall Shot 20/14, Deadlifts 115/75, Cleans 115/75, Shoulder to Overhead 115/75

Scaled Teen Kettlebell Swings35/26, Pullups, Burpees, Wall Ball Shots 12/10MedBall Cleans 12/10, MedBall Clean into a WallBall Shot 12/10, Deadlifts 75/55, Cleans 75/55, Shoulder to Overhead 75/55

Movements are subject to change, but the goal is to get you breathing heavy for 6 minutes, rest for 4 minutes and repeat. There will be 3 WOD’s in the Gauntlet. More information to come!

Registration is open HERE (if you already signed up on wodrocket, no worries.) Once you have registered through Mindbody, we will contact you to register your name, tshirt sizes, etc. Please make sure your contact info is up to date. Any direct questions – contact Alison at 209-345-4380


Workout of the Day

OTM 10

15s Handstand Pushup Work (get upside down! pushups on the box, handstand holds)

Rest 45 Seconds

From Minute 10-13

Max distance Handstand Walk

Rest 7 Minutes

OTM 10 Work 35/Rest 25


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