A Different Kind of Week

On Monday, buy we will be testing for our 1 rep max Deadlift. You will need to know your 1RM because on Tuesday and Thursday we will do workouts based off your 1RM number (50% of it to be exact).
So – you have some options. 1. You can Deadlift with everyone on Monday. 2. If you know you can’t make it Monday, talk to a Coach and establish a 1RM Deadlift between now and Monday.
3. If you can’t get that in, but you plan on working out on Tuesday and Thursday, know your Deadlift 1RM and try to work at 50% of that. 4. If you don’t know it, talk to a Coach and we will do our best to find a suitable weight to work with.
Check out CrossFit.com and look around. A (barely) savvy investigation will show the WODs I have planned for Tuesday and Thursday.
Max Effort Deadlift
Ratchet Rule – You get one ratchety type deadlift- that will be your max for the day:) Coaches will explain.
Parking Lot Run
22 Situps

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