Next week is the first WOD of the Open. It is exciting times in a CrossFit Gym. The WOD is announced at 5pm on Thursday night and our hearts will be racing to see what we will be challenged with.
While we had a few PR’s today on the snatch, story we ALWAYS see PR’s in the Open. This is our chance to check our training progress. The Open is why we burpee. (Props to those who hit 100 burpees today with no prior notice…and didn’t leave after they found out the conditioning part of today’s WOD.)
There may be a few of you with the thoughts of – I am not going to the Games so why sign up? Well I (Alison) am not going to the Games and I have signed up. There is magic in our community. There is fun in the pomp and circumstance. And there are personal leaps to be made when extra adrenaline is surging and you are being cheered on. I might even get a muscle up.
Come join us – Our team so far is growing every day. For those who have signed up, physician please take the judging course! We need legal judges. It is $10 and will give you a confirmation on standards of movement.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
In 20 minutes, link build to a heavy set of 5
21 Deadlifts
15 Hang Power Cleans
9 Front Squats
Men 185, Ladies 115