Wednesday’s benchmark WOD is “Annie” – a quick couplet of doubleunders and sit-ups. There’s not really much to say about this WOD – if you’re good at doubleunders, shop it’s about staying unbroken and really pushing on the sit-ups – especially in the set of 40 and 30. If you are good at DU, order they are a break from the sit-ups.
If you don’t have doubleunders, or have a tough time stringing them together, you’re basically fighting the rope for the duration of the WOD. I recommend scaling DU attempts to 20-15-10-5-5 and keeping the sit-ups the same. If DU are an absolute mystery, or you are new to CrossFit, double the count and do singes – 100, 80, 60, 40, 20.
As we have a lot of new faces – look into getting a jump rope. You want it sized to your height. A good rope can run anywhere from $10 to more than $40. I hear they are selling decent ropes at Dick’s now. Look at different ropes, ask what people prefer and get a good rope.
Speal anchors his feet – you may anchor as well. Can anyone beat Speal?
Workout of the Day
50 Doubleunders
50 Situps
40 Doubleunders
40 Situps
30 Doubleunders
30 Situps
20 Doubleunders
20 Situps
10 Doubleunders
10 Situps
In remaining time in class, build to a heaviest possible Clean.